Supergirl ~ Dark Side of the Moon ~ Part One

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How can you tell when an author is getting really excited about finishing a book? Every spare second she gets, she writes and then this happens: updates.

Kara and Mon-El discover something they didn't expect, Alex is under attack, and Kara's world gets turned upside down when she realizes what she's found.



Mon-El sighed, watching stars rush past as he piloted J'onn's ship through space. "I always forget how beautiful it is this far out in space."

"It's perfect," Kara whispered in agreement, settling back in her seat.

Mon-El watched her, tilting his head. "Are you OK?" he asked.

"Yeah," Kara nodded, biting her lip. "It's just . . . you know, there are some parts of me I'm not sure Oliver will ever get to see," she confessed, making Mon-El turn more towards her. "He knows Kara Danvers and Supergirl for sure. The Fortress of Solitude is Krypton on Earth . . . but will he ever really get to see who Kara Zor-El ever was?"

"Surely you've told him at least a little about Krypton?" Mon-El frowned.

"Oh, I have," Kara nodded. "I definitely have. But learning about Krypton . . . it's not the same as actually being there."

"I know the feeling," Mon-El nodded. "Just like with Daxam." He looked at Kara. "You know he loves you no matter what, right?"

"Yeah," Kara couldn't help but smile. "I know. He's the best." She paused. "No offense to the ex."

"Excuse me, offense absolutely taken," Mon-El scrunched up his nose snobbishly. "How dare you say someone is better for you than me."

Kara burst into a peal of laughter. "Your face!"

Mon-El shook his head, grinning, then peered at the console when it chimed. "We're coming up on it."

Kara nodded, and as Mon-El slowed the craft down, she took in the meteorite they were going to collect the rock from. However, both she and Mon-El gawked when they saw what else appeared to be on the meteorite. Was that . . . a city? "What is that?" Kara murmured.

Blue light obscured their vision, and the ship jerked hard enough to launch them out of their seats and forward. Mon-El grunted in pain, wincing and checking everything. "It's a tractor beam," he identified.

"Everything's locked up," Kara swallowed.

"Trusters, roll, yaw, pitch," Mon-El checked everything. "Nothing's responding."

Kara blinked. "What if we're not us?" she asked.

"What?" Mon-El blinked.

"This ship can turn into other things!" Kara nodded.

A wide grin slowly spread across Mon-El's face. "Brainy's gonna be so sad he missed this."

He adjusted the settings, and Kara settled back as their ship transformed into a piece of rock that hurtled towards the meteorite, bypassing the tractor beam.


"Agent Schott," J'onn walked into the main room; Winn turned away from his tablet to join him, Felicity and Curtis looking up from their screens, too. "Any word from Supergirl?"

"No, but we expected that," Winn shook his head. "They're on the dark side, which means they're probably scraping off a nice chunk of space rock off a much larger piece of space rock any minute."

J'onn frowned, nodding. "I need to know the second they're on their way back."

"Well," Curtis grinned. "We got the radio dialed up to eleven."

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