Mae vs Gohan a training battle

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When Mae woke up her body was still sore from the training Vegeta put her through. She had been living with Bulma and Vegeta for almost a year now and she still wasn't as strong as she hoped to be. As she laid in her bed she thought of the first time she trained with Vegeta. When she was just a young girl at the age of 5, her father had fought with Vegeta and she wasn't sure if he even survived.

Her twin, Gohan, had been training with Piccolo for a year when Vegeta came. Even though she was weaker than him at the time, she still tried to face Vegeta.

After Krillin spared him at Goku's request. Vegeta had taken her to planet Namek in the hopes that he could train her into being a great saiyan. That first training session he almost took her life and every training since had been even more rough. Mae followed every order using the anger that she felt to push herself further. By the time her father appeared to fight Frieza she was already as strong as her twin who had spent an entire year training. Vegeta told her not to get too cocky because she still couldn't compare to his strength.

The reason she was thinking of these things was because of Frieza's recent return. Even though he had been defeated it brought those old memories surging back. She still couldn't shake the resentment she felt towards Goku.

A soft knock at the door brought Mae back to the present. "Just a sec!" She called while pulling some clothes over her bruised body. She opened the door to see Gohan standing there. She looked up at her twin in surprise.

"Gohan! I didn't expect you to be here!" She stammered.

"Haha yea I thought I would surprise you." He smiled down at her. Even though they were twins he had a few inches of height on her.

Mae gave her brother a hug and invited him in. She always enjoyed when her twin came to visit. "So what brings you here, brother?" She sat crossed legged on the bed.

Sitting in a chair he said, "I wanted to see if I could train with you for a bit." He smiled and ran a hand through his spiked hair.

"I thought you put fighting behind you." Mae said. Like her twin she had black spiked hair that fell to her shoulders. Typical saiyan hair.

"Well I did but seeing how defenseless I was when Frieza came back I decided I should get back in fighting shape." He said seriously. "Piccolo has already begun training me but I wanted to see where I stand against you since you've been training with Vegeta."

"Why didn't you ask father?" She responded. Mae knew Gohan had a better relationship with their father than she did. 

"Well it's kinda hard to ask him for help when he's off training on another planet." Gohan laughed.

Mae laughed in agreement, "Yea that's true. Okay, Gohan I'll fight you." She smiled and got up extending a hand to her brother.

"Thanks Mae! I'll go quickly change and meet you outside!" Gohan smiled brightly at her and she couldn't help smile back.

After he left she changed into a simple black tank top and pants. She put on her shoes and ran outside to wait for her brother.

The air outside was fresh and crisp, perfect for training. She started to stretch when Bulma came up to her, "Mae!"

"Oh hey Bulma what's up?" She said as she dropped her leg back down.

"Vegeta was looking for you," Bulma said brightly.

"Oh I was going to help Gohan train for a bit." Mae brought her arm across her chest.

"I figured as much so I told him you would be out here," Bulma brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "He will probably be out soon to watch you fight. He may not seem like it but between us I know he enjoys seeing you progress."

"I- Uhm thanks Bulma. That means a lot." Mae blushed slightly. She was hoping to soon prove herself to go train with her dad and Vegeta on lord Beerus' world. 'Hopefully today is the day.' She thought as Gohan came running up. He was wearing similar training clothes their father wore. He already put his glasses away and was ready to fight.

"Alright little sister don't go holding back now," he said with a cocky grin.

"Tch, you are older by a minute and I would never hold back," Mae grinned back floating into the air. Gohan followed her keeping a safe distance.

Out of the corner of her eye Mae noticed Vegeta standing near the wall with his arms crossed. She felt a momentary excitement that he came to watch her but as soon as she looked back Gohan was already making an attack.

Quickly she blocked him cursing under her breath. Using her leg she made a counter attack that hit its mark. Gohan was struck to the side from her powerful blow. Moving at lightning speed she went in for another attack while he was regaining his balance. Unfortunately for her brother, she was just too fast for him. Years of not training had caught up with him as he went up against his saiyan sister.

"Wow you are strong, Mae!" Gohan brushed himself off. "Let's kick this up to super saiyan."

"Heh, sounds good to me," Mae grinned. She yelled as she powered up to super saiyan. It only took her seconds before she was enveloped in the golden energy her hair now yellow and standing up.

Gohan followed suit taking a little more time than she had. He could feel the power coming off her. He smiled in excitement, it had been a long time since he fought with his twin like this. Then with amazing speed Mae was on the attack. Gohan was barely able to keep up. The way she was moving he couldn't find an opening to attack her back. Mae faked a kick causing her brother to drop his guard then with her other leg she knocked him back.

Gohan could feel his stamina draining so he decided to do one last move to try and win, "ka-me-ha-me-ha!" He shouted as the energy built up.

Mae fired back her own energy meeting Gohan's but she could already tell her's was stronger. Knowing she was going to win she smiled and pushed even harder.

Gohan felt his sister's energy grow and he knew he wasn't going to win. The last thing he could do before the energy hit him was block so he wouldn't take the full force of it.

Pain shot through his body and his hair went back to black as he fell to the ground. He hit it hard but as he was laying there he looked up at his super saiyan sister and smiled.

"Gohan! Are you alright?" Mae flew down coming down from super saiyan. She intended to hold back a little but she ended up getting carried away.

"Yea I'll be alright this was quite the experience I really do need to work and grow stronger if I want to beat you." He laughed while getting up.

"Ha perhaps one day you will," she said helping her brother up. "For now though I think you should rest."

"You're probably right," he gave his twin a hug, "thank you for not holding back."

Mae gave a silent nod, she could have used her full power but she knew that her brother wouldn't have been able to handle it.

"Mae!" Vegeta said as they approached where he was standing. "That wasn't bad."

Mae's eyes opened in shock, "thank you Vegeta! Do you think now I can come train with you and Whis?"

"Tch, I suppose." Vegeta crossed his arms. "Don't think it's going to be easy and you better have something to offer when he comes."

Mae jumped in excitement, "thank you! I will have something special for Whis and Lord Beerus!" She already thought of something to cook for them. Mae always took pride in her cooking skill.

"Yea whatever," Vegeta said turning away. As he walked back inside a small smile came across his face.

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