Twin Birthday

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On the morning of May 18, Mae was getting ready to see her twin. Every year they celebrated together by going out for breakfast. She brushed her hair back and put her black and grey hoodie on before grabbing her present for Gohan. "Damn I'm gonna be late." She said as she looked at the time. As she ran through the hall she passed Vegeta.

"Going to meet Gohan?" He asked.

"Yep. I'll be back soon. Maybe we can train for a bit!" Mae grinned.

"Hmph if you want." Vegeta said crossing his arms. "Happy birthday by the way."

Mae smiled, "thanks Vegeta!" She waved and ran outside. "Alright now to the restaurant." She jumped into the air and flew to where Gohan was waiting. She saw him standing outside of a little cafe. "Gohan!" She waved.

"Woah that girl is flying!" "How's she doing that?" "Amazing!" Some people around them started to chatter.

"Jeez Mae!" Gohan sighed bringing his hand to his face.

"What? I was running late." Mae shrugged. "Let's go eat!"

They sat down and ordered food. "So I noticed something interesting the other day." Gohan said.

"Oh?" Mae raised an eyebrow at him.

"I sensed Jiren's energy near Capsule Corp," Gohan said. "Did he come to train with you and dad?"

"Uhh not exactly," Mae began to blush. "He actually came to visit me."

"Oh really? What for?" Gohan grinned.

"He just wanted to talk is all." Mae said becoming even more red in the face.

"That's all?" Gohan asked.

"We also kissed." Mae said quietly.

"Ah hah! So you do like him! So is he your boyfriend?" Gohan asked eagerly.

"I don't know about that." Mae said blushing further.

"Have you told mom and dad?" Gohan asked.

"Dad saw me and Jiren but I haven't told mom yet." Mae replied as the server brought them their food.

"How come?" Gohan asked as he took a bite.

"Honestly I didn't think that much of it." Mae laughed. "Besides you know how she gets."

"That's true." Gohan chuckled. "I'm surprised you are even interested in anyone. I'm sure mom is gonna freak out."

"Yea probably." Mae said she could already hear Chi-Chi fawning over her.

"So why Jiren?" Gohan asked.

"He's just, I don't know. Interesting I suppose. I've just never felt this way about anyone before." Mae pondered. "Besides he's strong which I like."

"Well as long as he makes you happy that's all I care about." Gohan smiled.

"Thanks Gohan." Mae said. After they finished their food Mae handed the present for her brother. "Here happy birthday."

"You didn't have to get me anything." Gohan said taking the box.

"You say that every year yet I always get you something." Mae sighed.

"Well I got you something too." Gohan handed her a small box. "Happy birthday Mae." He opened his gift and pulled out a nice fountain pen and a leather bound journal. "Oh wow these are awesome! Thank you!"

"I figured you would like something to help with your studies." Mae said as she began to unwrap her own. Inside the box was a small plush cat dressed as a chef. "This is adorable!" She said holding the plush up.

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