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"Isn't that her button to get to universe eleven?" Vegeta asked taking the red and black button.

"Yep. I figured it would be better to keep her in our universe." Gohan said rubbing his stomach where she punched him.

"Probably a good idea." Vegeta said giving it back to Gohan.

Goku came too and saw Vegeta and Gohan talking. "Ow she really didn't hold back." He said as he rubbed his head.

"Kakarot why did you hold back?" Vegeta asked as Goku approached.

"I only held back a little." Goku said. "I don't know how but her strength has increased a lot."

"How?" Gohan and Vegeta asked.

"I wonder if it has something to do with that knife." Whis said. "That man sliced it with her and awakened her darkness, maybe it is powering her as well."

"Is there a way we can save her?" Gohan asked.

"I'm not sure. If you separated them then they both could die. If Mae is still alive inside Drae then maybe you have a chance of pulling her out and having her take control of her body." Whis explained.

"But how?" Vegeta asked.

"I'm not entirely sure." Whis said rubbing his chin.

"Maybe if we defeat Drae we have a chance. I know Mae is still inside fighting." Gohan said. "We should go to universe eleven and ask Jiren for help."

"We don't need his help." Vegeta said crossing his arms. "We can handle this ourselves."

"I agree." Goku said. "If she and Mae are the same person they she should have the same weaknesses. Vegeta and I know how to fight Mae so I'm sure we beat her without Jiren."

"Fine but I think we should at least call him and tell him what's happening." Gohan said.

"If we do that he will just wanna come and help." Goku said. "I think it's best to just leave him out of it for now."

"Fine." Gohan sighed pocketing the button and communicator. "Tell me exactly what happened."

"And that's when you showed up." Vegeta said as he finished telling Gohan what happened.

"I could feel the darkness coming off her skin." Gohan said looking at his hand. "It feels cold and it sent a shiver right to my very core."

"Really? I could feel her energy was different but it felt more powerful and angrier." Goku said remembering her attacks.

"That's because you are her twin." Whis said. "You have a special connection with her and that's why what you felt it different than what Goku felt. You are feeling her raw darkness while he's only feeling her malice."

"Oh that makes sense." Gohan said. "This whole situation is just strange."

"We just have to defeat her right?" Vegeta smirked. "Heh, no problem. I taught that girl everything she knows."

On planet Lync King Zain slapped Drae across the face. "I told you not to fight your twin." He growled at her.

Drae took a deep breath. "I didn't fight him. All I did was punch him."

"What if you had killed him?" Zain asked.

"Gohan isn't so weak he would die from one punch." Drae snapped back.

"As long as I'm still alive I don't want you to touch him do you understand?" Zain commanded.

"Fine." Drae said obediently.

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