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Drae suppressed her energy once she got back to earth. She walked barefoot through a city, her torn dress blowing around her knees. A woman with blonde hair came up to her. "Miss are you okay?"

Drae inspected the woman, she appeared to be in her early 30s. She was wearing a pencil skirt with a grey blouse. "No that outfit won't do." She shook her head.

"Huh?" The woman tilted her head. "Are you in need of new clothes?"

"What's your name, human?" Drae asked.

"It's Bethy," she answered. "I'm a personal assistant. If you need new clothes I know of a place that can help."

"Fine, you will be of some use to me." Drae grinned. "I need clothes I can fight in."

"Y-Yes of course." Bethy said leading Drae into a store. She took her to the women's section and Drae started looking at different outfits.

'You know hiding out power isn't gonna stop Gohan from coming.' Mae said as Drae put on a black sports bra and black pants. She pulled a purple tank top over her head and headed over to the shoes.

'I'm counting on it.' Drae said shoving Mae back to the dark.

"Oh those clothes look good on you!" Bethy said as Drae walked passed her. "By the way I don't think I got your name."

"Drae." She said looking at the shoes. She grabbed a pair of black boots with purple leg wraps. She slipped on the boots and wrapped her ankles, tucking her pants in.

"Nice to meet you Drae." Bethy said cheerfully. "It's so odd that we met today. You see I just got fired from my job. My boss was a cruel man and he didn't like that I fought back against him."

Drae was about to snap at the woman but she turned to face her instead. "How would you like a job?"

"Really?! How much would you pay me?" Bethy asked.

"I won't kill you. How's that." Drae smiled and walked out of the store.

"Wait ma'am you have to pay for those!" A security guard came running forward.

Drae held a finger up and shot him in the chest. Bethy looked in horror and then back to Drae. "So Bethy wanna work for me?"

"Uh, y-yea!" Bethy stammered, fearing for her life.

"I sense her." Gohan said looking in the direction Mae was.

"Who?" Goku asked.

"Mae." Gohan said. "She must be suppressing her energy but I know she's here."

"Let's go after her then." Vegeta said.

"No we need a plan." Gohan said. "If she's here by herself then that means that she killed that guy."

"So what." Vegeta shrugged.

"That means she probably has the knife that was controlling her. If her power has increased this much I imagine it'll only go up more." Gohan explained.

"Bethy find me a penthouse that I can set up a base." Drae commanded.

"Right away." Bethy said bringing her phone up. "There is one but it's occupied."

"Take me." Drae said following her.

Bethy brought her to a tall building. "This is the one."

"Excellent." Drae smiled walking in.

The door man stopped her. "Ma'am this building is for owners only."

"Sir I suggest you let her in." Bethy said as she watched Drae scowl.

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