Mae vs Belmod

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Jiren woke up and looked over at Mae. She was still sleeping, he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. He thought about the first time they met. He never imagined he would have fallen for her. At the time Jiren didn't even believe in trust and now here he was with this saiyan girl. "I love you, Mae." He whispered, kissing her forehead.

Mae woke up and smiled at him. "Good morning." She said sleepily.

"Morning." Jiren smiled back at her. "Do you remember when I said I wanted to marry you one day?"

"Yea." Mae said.

"Well do you?" Jiren asked taking her hand.

"Do I what?" Mae blinked at him.

"Do you want to marry me?" Jiren asked her.

"Oh yea sure!" Mae blushed.

"Sure?" Jiren asked with a smirk.

"Yes I will marry you." Mae sighed. She smiled as Jiren pulled her close to him and kissed her.

He ran his hand down her back as they deepened the kiss. As he pulled away he looked in her eyes. "I'm glad you want to marry me."

"Same here." Mae said giving him a small kiss.

"By the way what's this scar on your lower back?" Jiren asked her. "It seems old and faded. Did something happen to you as a kid?"

"Oh yea I used to have a tail when I was little." Mae said.

"Do saiyans normally have tails?" Jiren asked.

"I think all full blooded saiyans have tails and only some half saiyans do. Gohan and I were born with tails but Goten wasn't." Mae explained. "When I first met Vegeta he had a tail. My uncle Raditz did too."

"What happened to your uncle?" Jiren asked as he sat up.

"Piccolo killed him." Mae said causally.

"So why did you lose your tail?" Jiren wondered.

"Well after dad died the first time Krillin was worried I would turn into a great ape. He didn't want my mom to have to deal with that so he took my tail." Mae said as she pulled her clothes on.

"Saiyans can turn into apes?" Jiren asked surprised.

"Ones with tails can. Something about the moon causing it." Mae said. "I've only see Gohan and Vegeta transform."

"I see." Jiren said. "So if Goku has died before, have you?"

"Let me think." Mae said. "No I've never died. Pretty much everyone else has though."

"Wow that's surprising." Jiren blinked.

"Yea well I'm just lucky I guess." Mae laughed.

"I suppose you are." Jiren said as he brought her close embracing her. He bent down and kissed her again.

A sudden knock at the door caused them to separate. "Too many interruptions." Mae sighed.

"Want me to tell them to go away?" Jiren asked.

"Nah it might be important." Mae said.

"Fine." Jiren went and opened the door and found Belmod and Marcarita standing there. "Belmod, what brings you here?"

The destroyer and his attendant walked into the room. "I'm here to see Mae." He replied.

"What can I do for you, Lord Belmod?" Mae asked respectfully.

"I understand that you have a darkness inside you." Belmod said. "Do I need to worry it'll cause any problems for my universe?"

"No sir. I've got it under control." Mae said.

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