Rising Power

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17 jumped up and sent an energy beam at Toppo. For his size Toppo was surprisingly agile. He dodged the attack and rushed forward, "Justice Flash!" He yelled as energy came out of his finger tips. 17 stood his ground and made a barrier around him. Gohan saw an opening and went in for a kick. 17 jumped up into the air as Toppo grabbed Gohan, spinning him around. When he let go, Gohan was sent hurdling straight into 17.

The two landed on the ground and Gohan turned to the Android. "Sorry, I thought I could catch him off guard."

"You need to stop trying to coordinate with me." 17 said bluntly. "We've never fought together, if we keep this up we will lose our two against one advantage."

"What do we do then?" Gohan asked.

"How about this, I will stop his movements and you use that brief opening to knock us both off." 17 said formulating a plan. Gohan nodded and 17 walked out to face Toppo.

"Where is the other one?" Toppo asked.

"He got in my way." 17 smirked. "Besides I don't need him to beat you."

"Hmph," Toppo grunted as 17 rushed him. With one fluid movement Toppo grabbed 17's arm and brought it behind him, locking it.

"Now, Son Gohan!" 17 yelled as he used his other arm to form a barrier around himself and Toppo.

"Ha!" Gohan yelled as the energy beam hit the barrier sending 17 and Toppo to the edge of the arena.

"You!" Toppo snapped as he started punching 17's side, trying to get him to drop the barrier. Just before the both of them fell, Toppo released 17 and managed to break free. "That was close." He said jumping away from the edge.

Goku and Mae stood in front of Jiren. "What's your plan?" Mae asked.

"Just get in close, draw his attention and follow my lead." Goku said.

"Okay. I trust you." Mae nodded as she turned her attention to Jiren. She took three steps forward before she stopped.

"Why did she stop?" Shin asked as Mae started to inch forward slightly.

"She's testing the distance." Piccolo said.

"Earlier she walked straight up to him. Why is she hesitating now?" Krillin asked.

"Earlier she wasn't trying to fight him." Whis said. "She knows that long distance attacks aren't going to work. I think that's what she and Goku have planned. Also I have a feeling that Jiren allowed Mae to get close earlier."

"I hope you are ready, Jiren!" Mae yelled, sprinting forward. Jiren had his attention on Mae while Goku used that moment to use his instant transmission to get on top of him.

"That won't work." Jiren said as he blocked Goku's surprise attack.

"I see." Mae said and she noticed Goku dropping a small energy ball. "How about this then?" She kicked up at Jiren and he blocked her. As she brought her fist up she too dropped a small energy ball.

Jiren grabbed her wrist and lifted her up so she was eye level with him. "Why do you continue to fight?" He asked as he blocked an attack from Goku.

'Excellent if Mae keeps him distracted I can plant these traps.' Goku thought as he ran around Jiren dropping more energy balls.

"I fight because I have to." Mae said struggling to get free.

"You seek strength?" He asked tightening his grip.

"Don't you?" Mae asked. "I want to prove my strength." She held an energy ball at his stomach.

Jiren looked down and then threw her at Goku. The energy in her hand disappeared as she smashed right into her father. "Did you really think that would work?" He asked her.

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