Broly's Loss

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"Big Bang Attack!" Mae yelled, her energy hit Broly knocking him back. Goku rushed forward and grabbed him and they took off into the air. Mae kicked off the ground, leaving a crater behind her. As Broly went to strike at Goku she kicked him sending him into a mountain.

"Kamehameha!" Goku yelled his energy blasting the mountain to rubble.

Broly forced himself through the energy and grabbed Goku's leg. He threw him into the lava that was pouring up from where the mountain used to be. Goku flew back up and punched Broly, giving Mae and opportunity to attack. Just as she was about to hit he grabbed her by the throat. Broly let out a roar of rage and punched Mae in the stomach before kicking her to the ground.

Goku launched multiple energy blasts at Broly, drawing his attention away from Mae. She got up and pulled off her torn tank top. "Damn he's strong." She wiped the blood from her mouth and took back off into the sky.

Goku and Mae began to overpower Broly, backing him against a wall. Paragus watched with wide eyes. "Perhaps King Vegeta was right about Broly." He clenched his fists.

"Goku and the halfbreed are giving him a hard time. Do you think he is done now?" Frieza asked shifting his gaze from Paragus to Broly.

"I think so." Paragus dropped his head.

"I don't think so." Frieza said giving a devilish grin. "I think Broly can go even further."

Frieza remembered a time, many years ago, back on Planet Namek. The rage Goku felt from losing his best friend. The power that came from that rage, the power of a super saiyan. That yellow hair and green eyes still burned an image in Frieza's mind. The look of pure rage and hatred from Goku.

Frieza took a step towards Paragus, holding a finger up. He tilted his head and smirked as he sent a small energy beam straight through Paragus' heart, ending the saiyan's life. Frieza admired his work for a moment before taking a couple steps away.

He cleared his throat, then with a dramatic flare he called out to Broly. "It's such a tragedy!" Goku, Mae and Broly turned to look at Frieza. "Broly, your father was killed by a stray energy beam!"

Broly looked at his father who was slumped against a rock. Sorrow ran through his body as it clicked that his father was dead. Goku and Mae jumped back as Broly began to power up. The loss of his father gave him the trigger he needed to become a super saiyan.

"Shit!" Mae swore as Broly unleashed multiple energy beams. He shot them out aimlessly causing Mae and Goku to dodge, struggling to get away.

Broly's energy continued to increase and Vegeta powered up to super saiyan blue. He caught up with Mae and Goku, flying next to them. "I think you will need my help with this."

"Thanks Vegeta!" Goku said as Broly caught up with them.

They flew down over the lava, the heat making Mae sweat more. As Broly approached they each formed an energy blast in the hopes it would take him down.

"Kamehameha!" Goku yelled.

"Galick Gun!" Vegeta was back to back with Goku.

As their energy raced towards Broly, Mae added her own. "Final Flash!"

Broly took the hit directly but he kept coming. He punched Vegeta before going for Goku. In that opening Mae folded her hands together and brought her arms down against Broly's jaw. When she connected Broly glared at her, his eyes completely white from rage. He grabbed her face and smashed her against a lava rock.

She brought her legs up and kicked his chest pushing him off her. She quickly spun around and flew to Goku. "We need a new plan."

"I have an idea." Goku glanced to Vegeta and she knew what he was planning.

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