Warriors of love

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***authors note! Dragonball Mae has over 3k views! I wanna thank you all for your support and finally answer one of the biggest questions I've gotten. I will eventually be pairing Mae with Jiren! Also be sure to check out the prologue Dragonball Mae: The Early Years! Thank you again!***

Mae rushed Ribrianne kicking the girl into a broken piece of the arena. "How dare you!" Ribrianne snapped at Mae.

"Oh I'm sorry was I not supposed to kick you?" Mae scoffed.

"Hmph." Ribrianne frowned. "I'll take you out with this. Maiden's Charge!" She rolled herself into a ball and came barreling at Mae.

Mae held out a hand to try and stop her but when she looked at Ribrianne's face she said, "yea no." She jumped up and over the girl. Ribrianne went and knocked someone from universe 10 off.

Mae jumped onto a pillar and looked to see how Goku and 17 were doing. As Rozie punched Goku her arms began to glow. Goku jumped back as energy balls came rushing at him. "Rozie has mastered the Yacchina Fist." The destroyer from universe two said. "Her punches become sharper and stronger the more she attacks."

"Need help?" Mae said crouching down.

"No I've got this!" Goku said blocking the energy blasts. Suddenly one stopped in front of him and smacked him right in the face.

"Do you really?" Mae laughed. Goku glared at her and she turned her focus on the fight between 17 and Kakunsa. "She looks wild." Mae said as Kakunsa rushed 17.

"Kakunsa is the beast warrior. Once she sets her sights on her prey she will take them down no matter what." The destroyer continued.

Kakunsa began using continuous attacks against 17, using the rubble as footing. 17 dropped down to one knee and Kakunsa went in for the final blow only to hit his shield. "Did you think I was down?" He asked. "I'm fairly confident in my stamina." He was an Android of infinite energy. Mae was impressed by his move. 17 then spun the shield round and round sending Kakunsa over the edge.

"Nice job!" Mae cheered. She spoke too soon, one of the winged warriors saved Kakunsa from falling.

"Thank you Vikal!" Kakunsa said.

"You're welcome Kakunsa!" Vikal embraced the girl.

"Oh Vikal!" Kakunsa said endearingly.

"Kakunsa." Vikal said lovingly.

"What the hell," Mae said flatly. Vikal then threw Kakunsa straight at 17 driving him back. Mae jumped down and rushed over. "Do you need help?"

17 was laying on the ground, "No."

"Are you going to get serious?" Mae grinned, she knew 17 was holding back.

"I suppose." 17 said getting up. "She just reminded me of the animals back on the island."

"Oh I see." Mae crossed her arms. "Well go kick her ass."

17 jumped up with intense speed going for Vikal. With one hit he sent her crashing into the stands. He then jumped down to face Kakunsa. "Vikal!" Kakunsa screamed. "You'll pay for that!" She growled.

"Let's go then." 17 said running at her.

Ribrianne jumped in between them. "Kakunsa!"

"Ribrianne! Let me take this man. I'll make him suffer for what he did to Vikal." Kakunsa said. 

"Ribrianne!" Mae said walking up. "I'm your foe."

"Fine ugly girl, I'll fight you." Ribrianne frowned.

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