Saiyan Strength

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Mae and Goku ran forward and grabbed Jiren. "Vegeta now!" Goku yelled.

"Don't tell me what to do Kakarot!" Vegeta said as he jumped up. "Final Flash!"

Jiren deflected the energy with his glare sending it right back at Vegeta. With a swift motion, he punched Mae and kicked her and Goku into a pillar. Vegeta rushed Jiren and he too got sent flying at the saiyans. "That bastard isn't even tired." Vegeta said in between breaths.

"Are you two good?" Goku asked.

"I'm fine but if you two wanna go take a break," Mae smirked as she pulled off her shredded tank top, exposing her red sports bra.

"Screw that." Vegeta scoffed.

"Same here." Goku grinned.

"I know they can win." Gohan said as he watch the fight.

"Hey Goku's kid. No, Gohan. You did well seems you and your twin have a lot in common." Beerus said.

"Ah! Thank you Lord Beerus!" Gohan bowed to the god.

17 ran as Toppo sent energy blasts at him. He looked to the center column, "not much time left." As Toppo jumped down 17 sent a barrage of energy blasts at him.

"You think this will be enough to defeat me?" Toppo asked as he blocked the blasts.

"No, but it's according to plan." 17 admitted.

"Is he trying to win that way?" Krillin asked.

"We have infinite energy. He just needs to keep this up until time runs out." 18 explained.

Toppo looked for an opening so he could escape the constant energy blasts. "There!" He said when he saw a rock, he rushed behind it and managed to get away from the android's attacks. "Since he doesn't run out of stamina I'll have to end it in one shot." He jumped down and sent a huge energy beam.

"You won't beat me!" 17 yelled as he sent his own energy. Their attacks met in the middle and Toppo's began to push 17 back. Soon 17 was close to the edge as he tried to push back.

"My my, is this a bad time?" Frieza said as he sent an energy beam at Toppo's back.

"You?!" Toppo looked back as Frieza continued to attack him.

"Thanks Frieza," 17 said as he pushed forward overtaking Toppo.

"I suppose I should help end this." Frieza laughed as he sent his own energy blast hitting Toppo on both sides.

"Did they beat him?!" Krillin asked.

"No he's still there." Whis said looking to the empty seat at Universe 11.

"So you managed to hold out." Frieza said as he approached Toppo. "Well Mr. Warrior of Justice. This is where it ends for you." Toppo collapsed to his knees. "Hmph seeing you in this state is pathetic. I suppose I'll have to drop you off like the trash you are." Frieza continued to mock.

"Justice is useless." Toppo said quietly. "I've made up my mind." A purple glow formed around him as his power rose.

"What's this energy?" Mae asked as they stopped fighting.

"It's so immense." Goku said.

"So you've finally decided, Toppo." Jiren said.

"It can't be!" Beerus exclaimed.

"His power is like a gods." Shin said in awe.

Frieza jumped back, "let's see this resolve of yours then." Toppo's energy grew and an emblem appeared on his chest. His eyes turned the same shade of purple that his aura was. "Is that all?" Frieza asked. "Well I'm not impressed."

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