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At the reception people came up to offer their congratulations to Mae and Jiren. "So you finally got a husband." Krillin said, making her blush.

"About time too." Yamcha laughed. "We always figured that there wasn't anyone good enough for her."

Jiren gave Mae a look that made her blush even more. "Well, I'm glad that she found me worthy."

"I mean yea." Mae stammered.

"Mae is so lovey dovey now!" Yamcha teased.

"Don't push it." Mae glared at him.

"I'm going to talk with Toppo." Jiren said kissing her cheek.

"Okay." Mae nodded.

As he walked away Krillin leaned in, "so now that you two are married when are you going to have kids?"

Mae turned bright red, "we haven't even talked about kids! We both have a lot going on right now. My training and his work, plus I don't even know if he wants kids."

"I'm just messing with you." Krillin said, calming her down.

"Do you want kids?" 18 asked.

"I haven't really decided, to be honest." Mae said messing with her fingers.

"Well there's no rush." 18 said thinking of her little Marron.

Mae looked over at Jiren who waved her over. She said a quick goodbye to Krillin, 18, and Yamcha. "What's up?" She asked as she approached him and Toppo.

"I just wanted to offer my congratulations to you." Toppo said. "It's thanks to you that Jiren has opened his heart."

"I don't know about that." Mae said. "I didn't really do anything."

"You may think so but you have done more than you know." Toppo said putting a large hand on her shoulder. "Thank you for helping my friend."
"Don't get carried away, Toppo." Jiren said.

"Thanks, Toppo." Mae smiled at him.

Just then Android 17 walked up to them. "Yo." He waved.

"17 you made it!" Mae said excitedly.

"Yep. Nice ceremony by the way." 17 said giving her a grin. She knew he was going to tease her later about it.

"Android 17." Jiren said stepping in front of him. "Thank you for bringing mine and the other universes back. If it weren't for you, I never would have gotten this chance to be with Mae."

"Well it was the right thing to do." 17 said slightly flushed.

"Mae!" Bulma said walking over to them. "Here, this is for you and Jiren." She handed her a box of capsules. "There's a house and some other stuff so you and Jiren can live together."

"Wow, thanks Bulma!" Mae said looking down at the box.

"I'm afraid that will have to wait." Whis said as he approached with Beerus and the supreme kai.

"Is something wrong?" Mae asked.

"No, I'm sending you and Jiren to another planet for a honeymoon." Beerus said.

"You don't have to do that." Mae said in protest.

"Does it sound like I'm giving you a choice?" Beerus growled. "The supreme kai is going to send you there now."

"Right now?" Jiren asked.

"Yes." Whis said touching them both with his staff giving them new clothes. Jiren was given a blue button up shirt, simple grey pants, and black shoes. Mae was given a red halter top tank, with a white skirt and sandals. "These should be suitable for where you are going."

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