Team Up

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Jiren remained calm as the three saiyans continued their assault. While their strikes were stronger they still were no match for him. The only frustrating thing was, he couldn't predict how Mae was moving. The way she switched her coordination so fluidly threw him off balance. 'How could I have let her get in my head?' He thought as he blocked her punch. As they continued to attack he noticed that she worked more with Vegeta rather than her father. As she was moving he punched her and sent her flying backwards.

Mae bounced off the arena floor and skidded to a halt. "Damn it." She gritted her teeth.

"You good?" Vegeta asked as they jumped back to her.

"Let's attack him together!" Goku said as Jiren started to come at them.

Vegeta and Mae nodded as they prepared to use an energy blast. The three of them launched their attacks together.

"Kamehameha!" Goku yelled.

"Final Flash!" Vegeta's attack wrapped around Goku's.

"Masenko!"  Mae shouted, her energy blending with theirs.

Jiren brought his hands up as the attack connected. Rubble collapsed all around him, closing him in. He pushed his aura up, turning the rubble to dust. The saiyans had to cover their faces from the force of his energy. At the same time, they ran for each other. As they connected a bright white light surrounded them.

Above, Dypso watched his teammate, "looks like Jiren is turning things up. I should too." He jumped down to face Frieza.

"Are you done running then?" Frieza asked mockingly. "I think it's time we ended this."

"I agree." Dyspo said. "It's time I knocked you off." He rushed forward using his super human speed.

Frieza dodged his attacks, keeping up with his speed. He punched Dyspo hard in the stomach, bringing him to his knees. "I figured you would have learned from your fight with that halfbreed, Mae. She must have noticed how predictable your moves are." Frieza chuckled.

"Predictable?!" Dyspo said getting up. He glared at Frieza, "I'll show you predictable." He moved faster and started to push Frieza back. When he got a chance he sent an energy circle at Frieza. "Circle Flash!"

"What the?" Frieza snapped as the ring closed around his body.

"Finish!" Dyspo yelled and the ring exploded bringing Frieza to his knees. "Well what do you think about that." He approached him ready to blast Frieza off. He reached his hand out and Frieza wrapped his tail around his wrist and squeezed.

"That was too close." Frieza flicked his tail and knocked Dyspo to the ground. "Dyspo I want to make a bargain with you."

"A bargain?" Dyspo asked.

"Yes, if we continue we will only drain each other's stamina." Frieza said. "If you managed to knock me off we still have a number advantage. Sure, Jiren may be powerful but can he knock off Goku, Vegeta, and that halfbreed in time?"

"What do you get out of it." Dyspo asked cautiously.

"I want you to use the super dragon balls to resurrect me." Frieza said simply. "In exchange I will help universe 11."

"That bastard Frieza is trying to betray us again!" Beerus growled.

"Hold on this is Frieza. Maybe he has a plan we don't know about." Krillin said nervously.

Dyspo looked at Frieza for a moment before answering. "No."

"No?" Frieza said almost taken aback.

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