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A gust of wind came off of the fused warrior. The fusion between Mae and Vegeta had given them a female body. Her build was more muscular than Mae's. Her hair stood straight up like the saiyan prince's. Her hair was black with a red hue and bangs, like Mae's, hung in front of her black eyes. She furrowed her brows, making her almond shaped eyes squint slightly.

Hearts looked down at Mageta with an amused smile. His grin spread as he asked, "you still don't understand?" Mageta cocked her head up at him but remained silent. "You're in my way," Hearts continued.

Suddenly the gravity increased on Goku and the others. The green spheres around Hearts' back shot forward and attacked them. Once all the fighters were down on the ground the spheres returned to their master. Hearts glanced at the other fighters before turning his attention back to Mageta.

"Come at me then," Hearts said with an arrogant look.

Mageta's hair began to flutter as her ki began to rise. She narrowed her eyes and pulled her arms to her sides. A brilliant blue aura surrounded her and expanded. "HAAA!" She yelled, unleashing even more power. As she floated up into the air a blue light covered her body. When it faded she revealed blue hair and eyes. This was the full power of super saiyan blue.

As her aura dissipated Hearts grinned, "how nice. Feel free to attack."

Mageta flew forward with incredible speed. In a flash she struck out at Hearts. When they connected a massive shockwave shot out. Trunks, Goku, 17, and Piccolo were all sent flying back. Somehow Jiren and Hit managed to hold their ground against the incredible power.

"Not bad," Mageta smirked. Before Hearts could reply she yelled and put more power into her attack, pushing passed Heart's hand. Her fist connected with his face sending him flying backwards. Hearts halted and wiped his mouth. He glared at Mageta as he powered up.

Rainbow, iridescent cubes began to form around Heart's hands. Soon they began to rapidly spin around the godkiller's wrists. Mageta smirked and motioned for him to come to her. Hearts only glared as he shot forward. As he tried to connect, Mageta ducked down and dodged. Hearts wheeled around to try and hit her from behind.

When Mageta dodged his fist a swirl of rainbow energy shot from his hand and hit the ground, causing a huge explosion Heart's continued to strike at the fused saiyan. She avoided his attacks until he managed to catch her in the stomach. The energy from his fist sent her crashing into the ground, almost right into Trunks and Goku. The ground exploded rocks and rubble from her impact. Hearts began to laugh, thinking he had taken her down.

"Mageta!" Goku called out to her.

Mageta was back up in the air within an instant. She flew right into Hearts' face and smashed her head into his. "Is that all?" She asked, brushing some dirt off her vest.

"Damn you," Hearts swore and punched out at her. Mageta grabbed his fist with her hand.

"Ha!" Mageta yelled, pushing her arm forward. The energy that was around Heart's wrist traveled up his arm and exploded at his shoulder. He cried out in pain as he was sent flying backward again. Hearts quickly righted himself and began firing rainbow ki blasts at Mageta.

Mageta brought her hands up and deflected the blasts. As they exploded behind her she rushed forward to attack. Hearts kept firing at the fused saiyan. She dodged most of them and the ones she couldn't dodge she blocked, sending them crashing to the ground. As she neared Hearts, she brought her leg up and kicked him across the jaw. Hearts countered with a punch to the stomach.

Mageta flipped over and rushed Hearts. The two of them tore through the sky, punching and kicking at each other. Soon they became a gold and blue streak across the sky.

"Wow, Mageta is so strong," Goku marveled.

"I wonder if the fact that Mae and Vegeta are close boosted the fusion," Piccolo said.

Hearts landed a punch across Mageta's cheek. Before she could counter he grabbed her by the hair and blasted her in the stomach. She cried out as she went flying. He formed more rainbow ki blasts and sent them at her. She flew down, avoiding them. When an opening arrived she brought her hands in front of her and blasted Hearts with a yellow energy beam.

Hearts barely managed to block the attack before flying forward again. He punched out at her and she blocked it with her forearm. She grinned as tingles shot down her arm. Hearts too couldn't help but grin. The fused saiyan was proving to be more of a challenge than he thought. She brought her free arm up and punched Hearts in the face. At the same time he brought his leg up and kicked her in the chest.

They both recovered from the attacks and flew forward, their hands locking together. They both pushed against each other, not wanting to give the upper hand. Mageta faked an attack by bringing her leg up. As Hearts drew back to avoid it she quickly switched legs and kneed him in the gut. He let go of her hands and put a hand on his stomach. Mageta held her hands out and sent ki blasts at Hearts who quickly deflected them away. She smirked as Hearts flew up to meet her at eye level.

"You're pretty good to be able to keep up with me," Hearts said. When Mageta didn't answer he continued. "But, I don't understand. With that amount of power we could defeat even the Omni King. Join me and let's fight together for the true freedom of mankind."

Mageta closed her eyes and sighed. "You still don't get it. I'm already free."

Hearts began laughing at her words. "That so? Then why don't you try and stop this." He floated up higher into the air and raised a fist. More gravity began to pull on Goku, Trunks, and the others. Mageta just continued to watch Hearts.

"What's happening?" Trunks strained against the gravity. The ground cracking and splitting around them.

"Is he trying to destroy the whole planet?" Jiren asked, glaring up at Hearts. He wasn't sure why Mageta was continuing to watch.

Out of the sky a huge meteor began to appear. Orange and black flames licked at the massive rock as Hearts continued to pull it down to the planet. The spikes on his back began to glow gold as a golden aura surrounded the meteor, giving it more power.

"Now disappear once and for all!" Hearts yelled as he vanished. He appeared behind the meteor and held his hand out, pushing it forward. "Take this!"

"What's she planning on doing?" Piccolo asked when Mageta didn't move.

The fused saiyan took a deep breath and glared intently at the meteor. She pulled her arms to her sides and began to power up even further. She wasn't about to let the Earth and her friends be destroyed.

Thanks for reading the chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! Here is a picture of Mageta drawn by ChrisRangel219 (RangelArtistry) she looks super cool! ^^

~~~ Thanks for reading the chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! Here is a picture of Mageta drawn by ChrisRangel219 (RangelArtistry) she looks super cool! ^^

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