A Saiyan's Tail

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"Mae, Vegeta, we gotta cut off his tail!" Goku exclaimed.

"Tell me somethin' I don't know," Mae frowned.

"Let go, Vegeta come with me!" Goku yelled powering up to super saiyan.

"Don't tell me what to do Kakarot!" Vegeta snapped powering up as well.

The two of them rounded Cumber, leaving Mae to distract him. She powered up to super saiyan blue and flew up to meet him at eye level. "Hah!" She yelled as she punched him in between his eyes.

Cumber opened his mouth and formed another energy beam. Mae quickly brought her hands up, blocking the blast. The powerful beam sent her flying back into the cliff side. Rocks exploded out as she hit. Her energy surged as she burst free. She watched waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Mai watched as the saiyans fought against the great ape. She pulled out another set of Potara, 'Maybe Mae and Trunks can fuse.' She thought before placing them back into her pocket.

Vegeta went for Cumber's tail only to be smashed into the ground by it. "Damn it!" He swore as he climbed out of rubble.

"Vegeta!" Goku yelled, trying to cut off the tail too. Cumber quickly turned around just before Goku grabbed it and brought a foot down on him. "Damn he's fast!" Goku gritted his teeth and tried to stop Cumber from crushing him.

"Goku!" Trunks yelled. He powered up to super saiyan and unsheathed his sword. As he made for Cumber, Mae joined him.

"Together," Mae said, narrowing her eyes at their foe. "Kamehameha!" She yelled.

As the blast hit, Trunks went in to try and cut off the tail. Cumber was too fast and punched Trunks into Mae, bringing them both down. "Damn bastard," Trunks groaned as he climbed off Mae.

"Trunks! Mae!" Vegeta yelled as he joined them. He was back in his base form.

Meanwhile Goku was continuing to struggle against Cumber. Mae, Trunks, and Vegeta held their hands up and sent energy blasts. They were trying to knock Cumber back so Goku could break free. The blasts hit and as the smoke cleared Cumber sent another dark energy blast at them. The three saiyans quickly jumped out of the way.

"Seems he's turning things up," Cooler said. He was still watching the fight. Cumber brought his attention to Cooler and fired another energy blast. "Don't get cocky!" Cooler yelled as he dodged the blast. He held his hand out and sent a massive energy ball at the great ape. Before it hit Cumber blasted it back. Cooler went crashing to the ground from the impact. "Just what is he?" He asked as he climbed out of the rubble.

Fu continued to watch, his excitement growing. "More! Fight more!" Suddenly an alarm went off, getting his attention. A screen flashed red and showed the cracked sky. Suddenly Fu's excitement faded and was replaced by anger. "I didn't tell you to go that far. You only need to give me energy," he scowled as he smashed the screen. "Guess I need to teach you that."

"You bastards," Cumber growled as he continued to try and crush Goku.

Mae powered up and flew at Cumber. She blasted him in the face but he grabbed her with a massive hand. She cried out in pain as he began to squeeze the life out of her. She powered up as she struggled to break free.

"You can't even touch my tail!" Cumber laughed squeezing Mae harder. She screamed and dropped her form. He slammed his foot down on Goku.

"Mae! Goku!" The others cried out.

Suddenly a flash of blue came from Cumber's foot. Goku powered up and shoved the massive beast off him. As Goku flew up he yelled, "Kaioken times 20!" The red aura surrounded him as he punched Cumber in the face, making him release Mae.

As she fell Trunks flew up and caught her. "Are you okay?" He asked.

She coughed up blood, "Yeah I'll be fine." She nodded as he set her down. Her ribs were screaming but nothing felt broken.

Cumber reached out to grab Goku who dodged. He appeared above Cumber who released another blast from his mouth. Goku dodged again, letting the blast fly up and crash into the sky. As the smoke cleared another crack formed.

"Kamehameha!" Goku yelled. Cumber quickly brought his hands up and blocked the blast.

Just as Goku went in for another attack a beam cut through them. The force sent Goku skidding back to where the others were. "What the?" He said as he reverted back to his base form.

"Fu!" Mae yelled up at him.

The white haired man looked over at them and glared. He flew down and faced Cumber. "Hey don't break it!"

"You, Huh?" Cumber growled at Fu.

"Don't worry I'll reign you in," Fu said drawing his sword. It was a purple blade that sparkled and shined. A black aura surrounded Fu as well. He held the blade up towards the sky. "Mix and be bound!" He yelled. The blutz waves Cumber had made were now being pulled into the blade. Once the white orb was completely gone Fu slashed at Cumber, faster than the others could see.

Flashes of purple lightning shot out around Cumber as he shrunk down into his normal form. Once the transformation was complete Cumber wheeled around and tried to attack Fu, who dodged flying back up into the air.

"Woah," Goku gasped.

"How did he do that?" Trunks wondered.

"Seems that blade of his is special," Mae muttered.

"Alright, please resume the fight," Fu said going back to a cheerful tone.

"I'll fight you!" Cooler yelled as he sent a blast at Fu.

The energy hit the sky since Fu was already gone. "No, no I won't be fighting. You guys are the ones who will fight." He said from a far.

"Tch, what's that bastard planning?" Vegeta scoffed.

"Mae are you good?" Goku asked, she was still clutching her side.

"Yeah I'm fine," Mae nodded, letting her power rise.

Cumber powered up, his aura turning the same reddish black from before. His eyes were set on Mae and Goku. He formed two claws, One he sent for Goku and the other at Mae.

"Shit," Mae swore as she narrowly dodged the talons.

Goku powered up to super saiyan god as he took out his claw and shot straight for Cumber. Mae powered up and followed him. Both of them streaking red as they phased in and out of view.

"That red hair!" Cumber's eyes widened at the realization. Mae and Goku stopped at his voice. They both glared down at the evil saiyan with red eyes as the flames of divinity covered them. "So that's what you are."

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