Chi and Gicchin

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Jiren rubbed his temples, "you know that time travel is taboo right?"

"Of course we know that!" Chi sighed. "It's not like we intended to."

"It doesn't matter if you meant to or not," Jiren crossed his arms. "The gods aren't going to be pleased."

"Especially after the Goku Black incident," Mae shook her head. "Lord Beerus is already fed up with time travel."

"Who is Goku Black?" Gicchin asked.

"You guys didn't have Zamasu in your time line?" Goku asked. "Maybe this is one of those differences Trunks mentioned when he told us about time lines."

"Probably," Mae shrugged. "So how are we going to get them home?"

"If we go to the destroyers it'll surely mean trouble," Jiren tapped his chin. "But I don't know of any other way."

"Lets just ask Bulma," Goku reminded them. "She's like the smartest person on Earth."

"Yea I think she is our best option right now," Mae nodded.

"Hey mom since we are here, can you tell us about the Z Fighters and how you defeated Cell?" Gicchin asked enthusiastically.

"You could just ask mom in the future," Chi sighed.

"I tried but she just laughed and shook her head." Gicchin dropped his head. "Come on mom!"

"Now really isn't the time to be sharing stories," Mae said. "Dad, can you use your instant transmission?"

"Sure," Goku said bringing his fingers to his forehead. They all grabbed on to him and within seconds they were at Capsule Corp.

Bulma was sitting on the patio with Bulla. She looked up in surprise at the new guests. "Hey Goku, Mae, and Jiren. Who are these two?"

"This is Chi and Gicchin," Jiren said introducing them.

"I guess they are our future kids," Mae said shaking her head.

"Oh wow!" Bulma said excitedly. "Seems Trunks isn't the only one time traveling."

"Yea it's a real problem," Mae said flatly.

At that moment Vegeta walked outside, "are you here for a fight Kakarot?"

"Hey Vegeta!" Goku waved. "Nah we are here for Bulma."

Vegeta glanced between the twins and Mae. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" Mae groaned.

"Hey Uncle Vegeta!" Gicchin said eagerly.

"Wait what?" Vegeta stepped back in surprise.

"These are my future kids," Mae shrugged.

"Wow it seems your kids are idiots too," Vegeta scowled. "Why are they here?"

"We don't know," Jiren said equally confused and frustrated as Mae.

"Wow Bulla is so little!" Chi said looking down at the infant. "Hey Gicchin didn't you and Bulla used to date?"

"What?" Vegeta's expression became hard as he glared at Gicchin. "You mean to tell me that you dated my daughter?"

"Yea we did but it didn't work out," Gicchin shrugged.

"What so my daughter isn't good enough for you?!" Vegeta snapped.

"What! No I didn't mean that!" Gicchin said defensively. "We just went on the one date and we both decided it wasn't a good match!"

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