Rematch with universe six

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"You want me to play what?" Mae asked.

"You and the rest of your friends are going to be playing baseball!" Beerus snapped.

"Okay but why?" Mae asked the god.

"Because I said so!" Beerus growled.

"Lord Champa wants to have a friendly match with us." Whis explained.

"Come on Mae it will be fun!" Goku added. "Even Vegeta is going to play!"

"Fine I suppose I'll play." Mae sighed brushing her hair back.

They met up with Lord Champa and his team at a baseball field that was close by. Champa had brought some fighters from his universe. Mae recognized them from the tournament, Magetta, Botamo, and the saiyan Cabba. To even out the teams Mae, Vegeta, and Goten were put on the the opposing team. Universe seven's team was made up of Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks, Krillin, and Yamcha.

"Mae! It'll be great to work with you!" Cabba said excitedly.

"Tch whatever." Mae still didn't like him.

"Kakarot, even though we are on different teams don't think I'm going to lose to you." Vegeta smirked.

"Yea I won't hold back either!" Goku was getting excited.

"Okay time to huddle up!" Champa snapped at his team. "We destroyers aren't playing so it's up to you guys to win this!"

"Yea!" Their team cheered.

"Okay Mae you are up first to bat. Looks like they have Goku pitching. Can you handle this?" Champa asked.

"Sure, piece of cake." Mae said as she grabbed the bat and walked to the home plate.

"Hey Mae I won't hold back!" Goku called to her.

"You better not!" Mae yelled back.

"Now let's begin the friendly match between universe six and universe seven!" Whis announced.

"Remember! No acts of destruction are allowed!" Vados added.

"Goku give it everything you have!" Beerus yelled.

"Okay!" Goku went super saiyan blue.

"Mae you better give it all you have too!" Champa yelled.

"I will!" Mae yelled as she too went super saiyan blue.

Goku pitched the ball and it came flying at Mae with immense speed. The ball itself was burning up from the energy Goku put on it. Mae channeled energy to the bat and swung as hard as she could. The bat connected and Mae tried to knock the ball back but the force was too great. The bat was trembling in her hands and she yelled as she put more power into her swing. The bat couldn't handle any more force and shattered sending the ball flying back behind her.

"What the!" Gohan yelled as he dodged in time. The power of Goku and Mae's force created a huge crater behind home plate. Mae only had a split second to brace herself from the impact she had caused.

"Mae are you okay?!" Cabba came running over to where she was. He extended a hand to her, "let me help you up!"

"I'm fine!" She glared smacking his hand away as she got up.

"Foul!" Whis said. "Now also we said no acts of destruction."

"If we see anymore acts like that from either of you you will both be ejected." Vados scolded the saiyans.

"Yea okay," Mae and Goku sighed together.

"We want to change pitchers!" Beerus yelled suddenly.

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