Zamasu's Ambition

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As the wind died down Zamasu watched with excitement as more cubes began to fit together around Hearts. Soon his dream would come to pass. He looked down at the mortals who began to pull themselves up. He smirked at their weakened selves.

Soon the cubes finally came together to form one large, golden cube. In the center was a rainbow colored orb and surrounding the cube were large green spheres. Goku, Mae, and the others floated up into the air to look at the cube with looks of confusion.

"What is that?" Goku asked curiously.

"HAAH!" Vegeta yelled as he formed a massive ball of energy. He threw it straight at the cube, trying to destroy it.

Before the energy hit, Zamasu appeared and deflected it away. He smirked as Goku, Mae, Vegeta, Piccolo, 17, and Trunks all started sending ki blasts at him. None of the blasts hit the god as he deflected them away.

"Zamasu!" Trunks yelled. "I thought you wanted to kill all mortals! So why are you protecting a mortal like Hearts?"

Zamasu paused for a moment. "Hearts will defeat the Omni-King. With him gone there won't be anyone to stop my Zero Mortals Plan." He grinned and swiped his hand. "Hammer of Judgement."

A white halo appeared behind Zamasu and red blades began to rain down upon Trunks and the others. Everyone covered themselves, trying to avoid the attacks. Mae cried out in pain as one sliced open her cheek. "Bastard," she swore as the blades finally stopped.

Zamasu rushed forward and punched Vegeta hard in the stomach. Once the saiyan prince was down he went after Piccolo and 17. He kicked them both back. Before Mae could react he appeared in front of her and sliced at her chest with a ki blade. Again she cried out in pain. He looked below at Trunks and Goku and blasted them both.

As the smoke cleared Goku flew up and began attacking Zamasu. He went in for a punch but the god ducked down and dodged. Goku kept up with his assault making Zamasu defend. The god kept an arrogant smile on his face as he continued to avoid Goku's attacks. When he saw an opening he punched Goku in the side before going in for continuous attacks.

Goku tried to take back the offensive but when he struck out Zamasu grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him, locking Goku in place. The saiyan cried out and brought his other arm up to punch Zamasu, to be released. Zamasu saw through this and grabbed his other arm. With both arms pinned back Goku was trapped. Zamasu laughed and put his foot against Goku's back and began pushing, trying to pull his arms off.

"Dad!" Mae yelled as she pushed herself off the ground. She watched in horror as Goku screamed in agony.

"Is this really the best you've got, Universe Seven?" Zamasu asked mockingly.

Suddenly thunder sounded in the sky and a bright flash of light went off. When Mae looked she saw a figure falling from the sky. The man attacked Zamasu head on, making him lose his grip on Goku. Mae blinked the light from her eyes and was surprised to see her husband.

"You're-," Zamasu started before Goku interrupted.

"Jiren," Goku said.

"How'd he get here?" Trunks asked.

"He has a button allowing him to live in this universe with Mae," Piccolo explained.

"Jiren, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be helping your universe?" Mae asked, holding her side as she flew up to Jiren.

Jiren glanced at her over his shoulder, "I'm here to help you."

"Hmph," Zamasu formed a pink ki blade. "Resistance is futile, Universe Eleven."

Before Zamasu could go to attack, Jiren held a hand out and sent a stream of red energy blasts. Zamasu used his blade to deflect the blasts, while maintaining an elegant posture. Once the blasts were gone he smirked and formed another halo.

"Take this," He started before suddenly time stopped for just a moment. Where previously there was no one, within less of a second there was a flash of light and the assassin Hit was there.

Before Zamasu could comment, Hit punched the god in the face sending him back. Zamasu brought a hand to his face and glared at the assassin. "Scoundrel! You dare strike a god?!"

"You're from Universe Six," Jiren said, eyes slightly wide with surprise.

"Hit!" Mae smirked.

"The supreme kai hired me to take them out," Hit said.

"That so?" Mae asked.

"Yeah, seems that you are the ones in need of saving," Hit told her. Mae simply snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Glad to have you here," Goku said, bringing his hands up. "Let's go!"

The four of them rushed forward to attack Zamasu when suddenly waves of rainbow energy came from the golden cube. They were all knocked back by the energy. They all stared in shock.

"It's ki is rising," Piccolo commented.

Zamasu's grin spread with anticipation. "Yes, come out soon! I can't wait!"

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Vegeta said with a hand on his stomach.

"Something's coming!" Goku shouted as the center began to glow.

Cracks began to form in the cube as the center grew brighter. As the cube shattered a silhouette could be seen. When the light finally faded Hearts emerged from the orb. His skin golden and glowing.

Hearts yelled as six rainbow spiked erupted from his back. The green spheres that were floating around the cube began to shrink in size. They floated over to Hearts and formed a circle around the spikes. Once his transformation was complete Hearts looked over at Zamasu who wore a face of pure excitement. Hearts on the other hand only frowned.

Hearts held a hand out and brought Zamasu closer. His arms and legs were spread as he was unable to move. His expression of excitement quickly faded to concern. Zamasu struggled to move but to no avail.

"You've done well so far," Hearts began. "And I appreciate that immortal power of yours. But I wish to destroy the gods."

Zamasu gave a look of pure horror as Hearts began to laugh. Rainbow cubes began to encompass the god. The cubes fit together to form a larger cube that slowly shrank until Zamasu was no more. Mae and the others were shocked by this.

"What the?" Mae's eyes went wide.

"He's gone," Trunks gasped.

Far off on Grand Zen-Oh's world the Grand Priest had been carefully watching. His eyes went wide as he gasped at the new development.

Hearts continued to laugh until he brought his attention below. "Gentlemen and lady of Universe Seven! Behold!" He swiped his hand forming a purple streak of energy. As the energy hit the city below it completely turned it to dust.

"What?" Goku asked in shock.

Hearts held his hands out to the sides with an arrogant posture. "I am the ultimate Godslayer!"

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