Kamioren vs Goku

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Kamioren glared fiercely at the saiyan floating in front of him. The silver aura surrounding Goku while his silver eyes bore into the fused monster. He growled in anger. That last blast should have at least done something to Goku, yet he remained.

"Take this!" Kamioren yelled as he brought a fist down on Goku. "I'm invincible!"

Goku dodged the punch with ease and appeared above the fused monster. Kamioren opened his mouth and began to form another purple beam of energy. Faster than he could see Goku kicked him between his eyes making him close his mouth. The energy exploded in his mouth and smoke surrounded his face. Goku slowly lowered himself to the ground and began to walk forward.

"Tch," Piccolo groaned as he sat up. He looked over and saw Android 17 moving a rock off of himself as he too got up.

"Mae are you alright?" Vegeta asked her as he got to his feet.

"Fine," Mae nodded. Her tank top was torn nearly in half and her pants were torn as well. A trickle of blood came from her forehead. She wiped the blood from her mouth and stood.

"Mae, can't you do that thing Goku is doing?" Trunks asked as he got up as well. Both he and his father had received a considerable amount of damage as well.

"I-I'm not sure," Mae shook her head.

"You did it before," Vegeta pointed out.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if I can do it again. But I'll try," Mae said trying to find that power she used before.

High above them, Hearts and Zamasu watched Goku intently. Both had their arms crossed, waiting to see what the saiyan would do. Goku continued to walk towards Kamioren, until he opened his mouth and fired another powerful energy blast. Goku brought his hands up blocking against it. He stepped forward and began to push the beam back into Kamioren. He kept going until the energy was back in Kamioren's mouth where it exploded. Kamioren let out roar of pain.

Kamioren punched through the smoke directly at Goku. He quickly jumped back avoiding the giant fist. As Kamioren punched at him again Goku quickly dodged and flew up to kick him in the face. As the fused monster reeled back Goku clasped his hands together and brought them down upon his forehead, bringing Kamioren to his knees. The ground began to crack as he connected.

"Woah," Mae gasped. She was amazed by how well Goku used this incomplete ultra instinct. She wondered how she could tap into that power a second time as well.

Kamioren yelled as he tried to swat Goku down with his antenna. Goku evaded them but was lured right where Kamioren wanted him. The monster opened his mouth and blasted Goku with a powerful beam. Goku cried out as the blast hit him head on.

"Goku!" "Dad!" Mae and Trunks yelled at the same time.

"Hah! Serves you right!" Kamioren began to laugh.

Suddenly the smoke where Goku was began to glow as flashes of silver light came out. Goku sliced through the smoke revealing himself. His hair was completely silver as he had reached the complete state of ultra instinct.

"What?!" Kamioren gasped in surprise.

"The power of a god," Hearts remarked as he gazed upon Goku.

Mae was in complete awe at her father's transformation. This was now the third time she had seen her father in this state. "Amazing," she gasped.

Goku appeared in front of Kamioren's face and held a hand up. Before he could react, Goku blasted him head on with a powerful beam. Kamioren stepped back and sent his own energy. Goku dodged and the fused monster tried to blast him again. Purple blasts of energy covered the city as he continued to try and hit Goku, but to no avail.

Goku flew up and grabbed one of Kamioren's antenna and spun him around. The fused monster went flying before landing on the ground, face first. He pushed himself back up as Goku charged in for another attack. Kamioren reached out and tried to grab Goku. He smirked when he closed his fist around the silver aura.

"Huh?" Kamioren was confused when he opened his hand to find Goku wasn't there. Goku reappeared and kicked Kamioren in the face. Kamioren cried out, covering his face with his hands. Goku flew down and sent Ki blasts at the fused monster's leg. Kamioren began to flail about trying to swat Goku down.

"Let's help!" Mae told the others. They all nodded and flew up into the air. They each began blasting a limb except for Mae. She kept her blasts directly at Kamioren's head.

"Goku's power is decreasing! Finish him off!" Piccolo called out.

While the others continued to blast Kamioren, Goku brought his hands out. "Ka-me-ha-me-HA!" The blast hit Kamioren in the chest, right where the red jewel was exposed. The jewel began to crack from the massive energy. As Goku dropped his hands he noticed this and flew forward. He punched the jewel making it crack even more.

Cracks formed around Kamioren's chest before covering his arms and legs. The fused creature screamed in pain as light erupted from him. His body exploded into pieces. Everyone had to brace themselves as a gust of wind shot out from him. All that was left was a pile of shattered pieces. The pieces quickly caught fire and Kamioren was no more.

"He's gone," Piccolo said looking to the fire.

Goku lost his form and began to sink to the ground. Trunks and Mae quickly caught him. "Hang in there, dad!" Mae told him.

"Yeah," Goku gave her a half smile, but he was exhausted and beaten.

"Look over there!" Trunks pointed to the center of the fire with his free hand.

A bright light was coming from the center of the Kamioren pieces. As the light rose up from the flames it revealed a brightly colored orb. It lifted straight up and into Hearts' hand. Hearts had a smug expression on his face as he looked at the orb.

"What the?" Vegeta asked.

"Behold!" Hearts exclaimed. "It's complete form. At long last all the power has been condensed into the universe seed. Beautiful is it not? Kamin, Oren, I won't let your deaths be in vain!"

A bright white glow surrounded Hearts as the orb glowed we brighter. He began to laugh as cubes began to surround him and come together. The amount of power coming from Hearts caused mighty gusts of wind. Mae and the others all had to brace themselves against the force but it was still too much. They were all launched back by the powerful winds.

"So Hearts, it's finally time for your wish to come true?" Zamasu smirked. He watched as even more cubes gathered around Hearts. A wicked grin spread across the god's face. "How I have waited for this moment."

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