Three Star

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Drae entered the penthouse and tossed a bag to Bethy, "I want you to hold on to this for me."

"What is it?" Bethy asked looking in the bag. She saw four orange balls. "What are these things?"

"Those are the dragon balls." Bulma said. "They can grant wishes. How come you only got four?"

"Because I'm not dumb enough to bring all seven here." Drae said. "I'm going out to find the rest. Those better be here when I get back. If they aren't then a person will die for every star. I'll make sure that Trunks is the one to take those lives."

Bulma stood up, "He's just a kid! Would you really make him kill?"

Drae grinned, "Yes I would. If you wanna test it out then by all means hide them away from me."

"What happened to you?" Bulma frowned. "Mae would never ask a child to kill."

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you idiots, my name is Drae and Mae is dead." Drae turned away from Bulma and flew out of the room.

"Who is Trunks?" Bethy asked.

"He's my son. I never thought she would threaten him." Bulma said putting her hands over her face. "Oh Vegeta where are you?"

"Vegeta are you sure you wanna fuse?" Goku asked handing him the potara.

"It's not like we have much option." Vegeta said. "Do you have any senzu beans?"

"Yea Korin gave me three before Mae came back." Goku said eating one and giving the other to Vegeta. "When Mae and I fused last time we had less than an hour."

"I don't think we will need that much time." Vegeta said. "Once we fuse we should be able to handle her."

"You guys are just trying to buy time until I figure out this sacrifice and bring Jiren back." Gohan said pulling out the red and black button.

"Tch, it'll be over before you get back." Vegeta smirked as Gohan pressed the button and found himself in universe eleven.

Drae flew down to the canyon and started searching. "Should be here somewhere." She said glancing at the dragon radar. An orange glimmer caught her eye and she grabbed the dragon ball. "The three star ball?" She said flying up and sitting on a rock. "This brings back memories."

'We used to wear that on our hat.' Mae said remembering when she and Gohan were still kids.

"Gohan had the four star ball and I had the three star one." Drae said pocketing the ball.

'What are you gonna wish for?' Mae asked.

"Nothing, you were the one that said to grab the radar. You were right, if they summon Shenron now it could cause issues." Drae sighed. "Maybe I'll wish for him to end you."

'You don't have any real plan do you?' Mae asked.

"I don't need a plan." Drae said suddenly she felt energies coming her way. "Looks like dad and Vegeta couldn't get enough last time. I think I'll have fun breaking them."

She stood up and stretched her arms. It wasn't long before Vegeta and Goku found her. "What are you doing out here?" Goku asked.

"None of your business." Drae smirked. "I'm guessing you guys are out here to get your asses kicked again."

"This time will be different." Vegeta said.

"Oh?" Drae blinked in surprise. "Let me guess you have something that's sure to defeat me."

"We have the potara." Goku said putting the earring on his left ear.

"Wow!" Drae laughed. "You guys are actually going to fuse! Vegeta I'm mostly shocked at you. What happened to your saiyan pride?"

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