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"Caulifla and Kale make Kefla!" The girl shouted.

"Her power! I can't feel an end!" Mae said astonished.

"Me neither. It's like she has infinite power." Goku said.

"Do you have a plan?" Mae asked.

"Not really. Do you?" Goku smirked.

"Yea no. I didn't expect potara." Mae clicked her tongue.

"This is amazing!" Kefla laughed. She rushed forward grabbing both Mae and Goku and smashed them into the arena.

"Oh damn." Mae coughed.

"Yes! Kefla! Defeat Mae and Goku!" Champa cheered.

"You really used potara!" Beerus snapped.

"Why don't you use them." Champa replied.

"No I don't want to get disqualified for cheating." Beerus crossed his arms.

"Why not?" The Zen-Ohs said. "Fusion is fun! Fusion! Fusion!"

"We will allowed the use for potara during the tournament." The Grand Priest announced.

"We could have Mae and Goku fuse." Shin said. "Or maybe Mae and Gohan!"

"That's right they are twins, it could work!" Beerus agreed.

"We can call them Gohae!" Shin said excitedly.

"Well if they fuse and are knocked off then we lose two fighters instead of one." Whis pointed out.

"That's right!" Beerus said. "Never mind it's a stupid idea anyway!"

"Hey Mae wanna fuse?" Mae said sarcastically. "Try asking before making decisions." She rolled her eyes and focused her attention on Kefla. "Together?" Mae looked over at Goku.

"Yea." Goku nodded and they both launched an attack at Kefla. She brought her arms up deflecting the attack.

"Damn she's far stronger and faster than when she was two." Mae groaned. She went in for a low kick and Kefla grabbed her leg.

"I got you!" Kefla laughed as she spun Mae around sending her flying.

"Ah!" Mae braced herself as she crashed through rubble. "Okay that's it!" She got up going super saiyan blue and launched herself at Kefla who was pounding Goku.

"There's the form I wanted to see!" Kefla laughed.

"I'm with you Mae!" Goku said as he powered up to super saiyan blue as well.

"Well since we are all powering up!" Kefla grinned as she powered up to super saiyan. Her energy was overwhelming. She sent a green energy blast at both Mae and Goku.

Mae held her arms up pushing back against the attack. "Grah!" Mae yelled as she flung it up. "Big Bang Attack!"

"Nice try!" Kefla laughed as she sent another energy blast at Mae's.

"I've got you!" Mae yelled as she used the explosion as cover to get in close.

"Nope." Kefla grabbed Mae's face and slammed her down. Mae coughed up blood as she laid there.

"Mae are you okay!" Goku called to her.

"Im doing great. Nothing like a good beating to get the blood flowing." Mae spat out blood as she got up.

Kefla flew at Goku and punched him. "Kaioken!" Goku powered up.

"What are you doing?!" Mae snapped. She knew Goku didn't have enough energy for that.

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