Kamin and Oren

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"Trunks, Mae, don't get careless," Vegeta warned. He wasn't sure what the twins were up to.

"Right," Mae and Trunks nodded.

"I'm thinking about using that girl," Oren glanced at Caulifla, who was on the ground struggling to move.

"Good idea, so will I," Kamin looked at Kale.

The twins smirked before turning into pink and blue dust. Mae, Vegeta, and Trunks stood, shocked, at what just happened. The pink dust, Kamin, went to Kale. The dust covered her chest and Kale's hair turned white. There were thin, red stripes down her cheeks. The blue dust, Oren, did the same thing except to Caulifla.

"These guys' bodies..." Kamin-Kale started.

"Are ours!" Oren-Caulifla finished.

"What in the world is happening?" Cabba gasped as he took a step back.

"Watch out, they'll be coming for us," Hit cautioned the saiyan.

"Crash Break!" Kamin-Kale yelled, rushing Cabba. The explosion sent him crashing into a pile of rubble.

"Smash Break!" Oren-Caulifla went for Hit. He sent the assassin flying back but he remained on his feet.

The twins appeared in front of Mae, Trunks, and Vegeta. Kamin-Kale went for Vegeta while Oren-Caulifla went for Mae and Trunks. Mae noticed Trunks pulling his punches so that way he wouldn't hurt Caulifla.

"Dad! What should we do?" Trunks asked as Mae punched Oren-Caulifla across the jaw.

"Don't worry about it! Just beat them!" Vegeta yelled, kicking Kamin-Kale.

The three saiyans continued to fight until they punched the twins back. They crashed into each other but quickly recovered. They remained back to back as they faced down their opponents.

"These bodies sure are useful," Kamin-Kale smirked.

"Well they are saiyans," Oren-Caulifla pointed out.

"Give back their bodies!" Mae snapped at them.

"Tch, what an awful ability," Vegeta scoffed.

"We were created by Tsufruian super science. The ultimate artificial life forms," Kamin-Kale said.

"That's right, we were input with their battle programs. However those Tsufruians feared our power," Oren-Caulifla continued.

"Awful isn't it?" Kamin-Kale's smile turned into a scowl. "Creating us and then trying to destroy us. That was unforgivable."

"You think we give a damn about your sob story?" Mae sneered.

"We're taking those bodies back," Vegeta frowned.

The three saiyans along with Hit sent Ki blasts at the twins. The twins quickly dodged and flew up into the air. They started firing energy blasts at Mae and Vegeta. They dropped down to the ground deflecting the blasts.

"Dad! Nows our chance!" Trunks yelled as he rushed Kamin-Kale. They took off punching and kicking at each other. Hit followed suit by attacking Oren-Caulifla.

Mae and Vegeta nodded at each other. They powered up their super saiyan forms to the very max. Their power made the ground shake and crack. Vegeta brought his hands out front and began to charge energy. Mae did the same only she held her hands by her side.

"I get it," Cabba said. He looked up to where Hit and Trunks were fighting the twins. "While they are both distracted..." He looked back to Mae and Vegeta and watched their energies rise.

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