Special: High School Days

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***authors note! For Christmas I figured I would write you guys a chapter from when Mae was in high school! This chapter will be longer than my usual chapters but please enjoy and Merry Christmas!***

"Gohan I still don't see why I have to go to high school with you." Mae said as she and Gohan made their way to Satan City.

"Come on don't you think it'll be better to go to school with other kids?" Gohan asked. He was seated on Flying Nimbus. "Besides you did really well on the entrance exams."

Mae was seated next to him, there wasn't much room for both of the saiyans on Nimbus. "Yea only because you told me to. I think I could make better use of my time training with Vegeta."

"You'll still get to train. School has never stopped you before. Besides the high school is closer to Capsule Corp." Gohan reminded her.

"Hmm I guess I never thought about that." Mae rubbed her chin.

"Besides you could also use some friends." Gohan laughed.

"I have friends." Mae crossed her arms.

"Name one." Gohan replied.

"Does Vegeta count?" Mae asked.

"Uhh no?" Gohan wasnt sure if her mentor was considered a friend.

"Fine what about you?" She asked.

"I'm your brother." Gohan chuckled.

"Fine whatever. Friends are dumb anyway." Mae pouted. "Looks like we are almost there." She said as they came up on the city.

"Alright this is where we leave you Nimbus!" Gohan said as he and Mae jumped down. They walked over to the entrance of the town where they saw a sign with Mr. Satan's face on it. "Wow so people still think Mr. Satan saved the world." Gohan said.

"Kinda pisses me off." Mae said adjusting her bag. "You were the one who stopped Cell."

"True. I don't mind though." Gohan said looking at his watch. "Crap we are going to be late. Wanna race?"

"Hah you know it!" Mae said as she and Gohan ran towards school. As they came up on a bank Mae noticed men with guns. "Gohan, hold up."

"Huh?" Gohan said as they slowed down. "Is that bank being robbed?"

"Looks like it." Mae said. "We should help."

"Yea we should." Gohan agreed.

"I got this. You keep a look out." Mae grinned.

"Wait transform first so people won't recognize you." Gohan said.

"Right!" Mae nodded turning super saiyan. Her yellow hair stood straight up and her eyes turned green. Mae rushed the robbers and within seconds they were taken down. She quickly ran back over to Gohan and transformed back while the police were trying to figure out what happened.

"Who was that girl?!" "She was wearing an orange star badge. I think she was a high schooler." "She was a blur of golden light." People around them started chattering.

"Hey you two!" A strange girl snapped at them. "What happened here?"

"Oh we don't know we were just walking by." Gohan stammered. "Anyway come on Mae we are going to be late!" Mae eyed the girl before turning to run after Gohan.

Not long after that they arrived at Orange Star High School. "Quiet down kids. These are new students, Mae and Gohan. Gohan here got perfect scores on his exams and Mae wasn't far behind him. Now if you two would please take a seat." The teacher said.

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