Jiren's Past

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Vegeta held Mae up as they watched Jiren's power sky rocket. His red aura shot straight up and the force of it reached the stands. They both put their hands in front of their faces to block the wind that was coming off of him. His overwhelming power was causing rubble to crack and break around him. His aura came back down and surrounded him like a ball of fire. "Looks like Jiren is finally getting serious now that he's the last one." Vegeta said.

"Woah! Jiren's on fire!" The Zen-Ohs said in amazement. "Jiren is amazing!"

"We just need to beat him in order to win." Mae said.

"How do you expect to do that?" Jiren asked her. "You are already at your limit."

Mae pulled away from Vegeta, "you don't get to tell me my limits!" She yelled as she powered back up to Super Saiyan Ice, her long hair flowing behind her.

"Oooo Mae did it again! What's it called again?" The Zen-Ohs asked the Grand Priest.

"Super Saiyan Ice, seems Mae was able to break her limit again." The Grand Priest said.

Mae launched herself forward causing Goku, Vegeta, and 17 to fly forward too. Jiren was being attacked on all four sides but he wasn't letting up at all. Jiren punched both Mae and 17 sending them flying into a chunk of floating debris. With one motion he kicked both Goku and Vegeta back as well. Both saiyans righted themselves and Goku started sending energy blasts.

Vegeta landed on a piece of debris, "Final Flash!"

Jiren held up his hand and blocked Vegeta's attack. Mae rushed and tried to hit him but with his other hand he blocked her and knocked her down. Jiren turned his attention back to Vegeta and sent his own energy blast smashing Vegeta into the wall behind him. As Jiren rushed to kick him, 17 pushed Vegeta aside and took the blow. 17 brought his hands up as Jiren formed an energy blast against him.

"Damn Android!" Vegeta yelled. "I didn't need your help. Jiren you are mine to defeat!" Vegeta ran forward and started attacking pushing Jiren back. Goku used that opportunity to attack while his back was turned. Jiren glanced behind him and kicked Vegeta right into Mae. He turned and started to defend against Goku.

"Damn it! I was just about to attack!" Mae said frustrated.

"He's not even winded." Vegeta said as Mae took off to punch Jiren.

Jiren grabbed her hand, "not bad. I can see how you defeated Toppo in that form."

While he was still holding Mae, Goku unleashed his energy, "Kamehameha!"

"Oh shit!" Mae swore as Jiren used his aura to blow her and Goku away. They both hit the ground hard. Her arms shook as she pushed herself up. "Is that all you got?"

Jiren jumped down in front of her, "your arrogance is going to get you in trouble."

Mae smirked, "yea probably." She held his attention as 17 snuck up behind him and grabbed Jiren. Before he could react 17 unleashed a ball of energy causing a huge explosion.

"Damn, I shouldn't have gotten caught in my own blast." 17 said climbing out of rubble while waiting for the smoke to clear.

"Damn you!" Jiren swore, his uniform was ripped and he had taken damage from the attack. He turned around to face 17 who didn't hesitate to send a barrage of energy blasts, pushing Jiren back.

"Mae, Kakarot are you both ok?" Vegeta asked joining them.

"Yep," Goku said as he and Mae stood back up.
17 quickly jumped over Jiren and joined the three saiyans. "Because of your attack I know how to deal with Jiren."

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