Goodbye Trunks

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"I have a plan!" Goku said holding out the button. "If we have Zen-Oh come here then he can get rid of Zamasu!"

"Oh! I didn't even think of that." Mae said as she reached in her pocket feeling for her own button.

Goku pressed the button and suddenly Zen-Oh was in front of them. Goku ran to the Omni king and gave him a hug, "Grand Zen-Oh you came!"

Zen-Oh seemed to be surprised that he was randomly brought here. "Where am I?"

"That doesn't matter right now. We need your help!" Mae said holding Zen-Oh's hand.

"I don't know you." He said looking at Mae and Goku.

"I'm Goku and this is Mae. Look up there!" Goku told him pointing to the sky.

"I don't like that. Did you do this?" He asked the saiyans.

"No we didn't! That guy Zamasu did!" Mae told him hastily.

"He looks annoying." Zen-Oh said looking back to the sky.

"Do you think you could erase him for us?" Goku begged.

"A world like this should disappear. I don't like it!" Zen-Oh said as he started to fly up.

"Bulma, Trunks the time machine now!" Goku yelled.

"It's time to go!" Mae yelled as she hopped inside. Trunks got the time machine going as Zen-Oh was about to erase everything. Goku and Vegeta grabbed the legs of the machine just in time and they were off back to the past.

When they landed everyone greeted them. They told them how as they were fighting Zamasu in the future, he was somehow having an effect on the past as well. Beerus and Whis showed up with the Kais shortly after they landed.

"It seems you had some trouble in the future." Beerus said to them.

"You can say that." Vegeta then begun to tell the destroyer everything that had happened.

"Hey Bulma, can you fire up the time machine again?" Goku asked.

"You want to go back?" Mae asked.

"Yea there's still something we have to do." Goku smiled.

"Here I'll take you." Trunks said, "mother you should rest."

"I'm coming too." Mae said as she climbed back into the time machine.

"Great!" Goku said as he got in. Trunks then took them to the future. Everything had been erased and in its place just a white expanse. It reminded Mae of the hyperbolic time chamber. Only there was a small figure floating in the void. "Grand Zen-Oh!" Goku called.

"Oh?" Zen-Oh chimed as he floated to them.

"Want to come with us?" Goku asked.

"Sure!" He smiled at the saiyans and then climbed in.

When they landed Zen-Oh poked his head out causing Lord Beerus to rush over in bow, "Grand Zen-Oh! What an unexpected visit!"

"Hey supreme Kai can you take us to that place?" Goku asked with a giggle.

"Where are we going now, Mae and Goku?" Zen-Oh asked.

Mae caught on quick to Goku's plan, "we are going to take you to a friend, Zeni!"

"Ooooo!" Zen-Oh cheered as he held out his hands for Mae and Goku.

The supreme Kai transported them along with Zen-Oh and Whis to Grand Zen-Oh's palace. They were greeted by the Grand Priest who was surprised to see another Zen-Oh. He smiled and led them to the throne room.

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