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"Looks like he's finally ready to fight," Mae frowned, looking up at the crystal.

"Seems so," Goku replied.

"I'm gonna be real annoyed if he does that gravity thing again," Mae said as she and Goku flew up to face Hearts.

As soon as they were eye level with Hearts he took off at the two saiyans. He was so fast with his attacks that Mae and Goku could only block. As they shot back through the city explosions went off, destroying several buildings.

"Mae! Goku!" Trunks shouted, he could tell that they were having a hard time breaking free.

"So this is Hearts' power," Vegeta frowned.

Suddenly Zamasu flew in and clashed his energy blade against Trunks' sword. He held his free hand up and blasted Vegeta. "Is this the best you can do?" Zamasu smirked.

As Mae and Goku continued to fly back Mae managed to break free. She kicked Hearts back giving her and Goku the chance to power up to super saiyan blue. The wind from their transformation sent Hearts back, hands crossed over his face. Goku and Mae both glared at Hearts who wore a smug grin.

Goku took off at Hearts while Mae followed close behind. Goku and Hearts met elbows before Mae went in to attack. Their fists clashed together as Goku brought his leg up. Hearts used his knee to block it before the three of them took off punching and kicking.

As they flew through the city more shock waves came from them. They continued to match blow for blow. Even though Hearts was against two opponents he wasn't struggling at all. As Goku went in for a strike he grabbed his arm and held him close. When Mae went in to help he grabbed her by the throat.

"I've read your minds," Hearts said. "Both of you seek out strong opponents, always hungering for more. Well I can satisfy that need for you."

With his free arm Goku punched at Hearts while Mae brought her legs up. Hearts ducked back and threw Mae into Goku. While they were off balance Hearts kicked them both into a building. As the building exploded Mae and Goku landed. They both held their hands out and sent multiple energy blasts at Hearts.

Hearts held a hand out making the energy orbs stop before hitting him. He began to strike out at them, sending them straight back to Mae and Goku. They flew up, blocking and dodging the energy balls. They both punched out at Hearts who blocked with his forearms. They took off at each other again, meeting fist for fist.

"Are you satisfied?" Hearts asked as he blocked an attack from Goku.

"Not enough," Goku scowled and went in for a kick. Hearts blocked, punching Goku in the face.

As Goku reeled back Mae swooped in with a kick. Hearts quickly dodged it. He held his hands out in front of Mae and Goku. He formed two purple energy balls and exploded them right in their faces. They cried out in pain as they were launched backwards. Goku managed to grab onto Mae before digging his hand into a building, stopping their momentum.

"Are you okay?" Goku asked his daughter.

"Fine, you?" Mae asked. Goku simply nodded.

Hearts appeared before them and crossed his arms. "Neither of you are going all out yet."

"You aren't either," Mae countered.

"Hmph," Hearts smirked and sent a beam of energy at them. Goku covered Mae as the building was destroyed. The two of them began jumping from debris to debris while the smoke covered them.

Suddenly cubes came flying at them. Mae and Goku each took out one before three began railing each of them. They flew in opposite directions, trying to shake the cubes off, but Hearts made sure they kept following.

"Final Flash!" Mae whirled around and destroyed all three of her cubes. Hearts began to send beams of energy at Mae. She flew around dodging them. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Goku get behind his cubes and destroy them.

While she wasn't focused a beam caught her in the back making her fall. She crashed into the ground and Hearts took off after Goku. He sent purple beams at Goku who deflected them away. He sent a massive beam at Goku. He brought his hands up and channeled the energy back to Hearts.

As Hearts dodged the energy Mae flew up and punched him in the stomach. This gave Goku the chance to get in several blows as well. They kicked Hearts together sending him falling. Mae took off after him and kicked him back up to Goku. As she flew up both of them readied an attack.

Together they unleashed the massive energy. "HA!" As the Kamehameha wave shot at Hearts he sent his own energy. However he was quickly overwhelmed. Mae and Goku continued to push their energy until Hearts hit the ground and through the city. The energy exploded in the distance, leaving both Mae and Goku out of breath.

Meanwhile 17 and Piccolo continued their battle with Kamioren. Piccolo rushed forward and punched Kamioren giving 17 the chance to kick him. Kamioren crashed into the ground before getting up. He held his hand out and sent Ki blasts at Piccolo. 17 jumped in front and formed a barrier around them. Kamioren yelled and put more power into his blasts, trying to break down the barrier. 17 struggled to hang on as the barrier started to crack. Kamioren sent a final burst of energy making the barrier shatter completely.

Suddenly a beam shot straight through Kamioren's stomach. Piccolo had turned around and was holding two fingers out. He had sent the beam at the fused fighter. "Sorry, that attack needs to charge," Piccolo said.

Kamioren fell back onto his back with a hole in his stomach. He cried out as his body healed the hole. He struggled up to his feet, "there's no way! No way I could be beaten by you! I'm the strongest!" He yelled. His energy shot out as a purple dome surrounded him and grew, completely leveling the area around him. Both 17 and Piccolo had to brace themselves as the red jewel on the crystal began to glow.

Trunks and Zamasu clashed together again. "Zamasu! After trying to exterminate all mortals why would you join forces with one?!"

"As if I would answer you," Zamasu smirked. Trunks pulled away from the deity and took off away from him. Zamasu quickly followed after him with Vegeta hot on his tail.

Mae and Goku went to the area that Hearts was in. The area had been turned into rubble from their blast. They looked down to see two large rocks move as Hearts pushed them off. He looked up at Mae and Goku and smirked, dusting himself off. Yellow energy wrapped around his hand and he used gravity to bring the two saiyans close to him.

"Is that all?" Hearts asked them before bringing them to the ground. He flew up into the air while Goku and Mae struggled against the gravity.

"Not this shit again," Mae swore as she tried pushing herself up.

"Gravity fist!" Hearts yelled and more cubes formed around him, his aura darkening as well.

"Tch," Goku powered up more and flew up at Hearts. Mae followed his lead, forcing herself up against the gravity.

As the gravity pulled against them Hearts blasted them with purple energy. Goku and Mae fought harder against it and managed to break free. They held their hands up and sent energy blasts at Hearts.

Hearts powered up and dodged the blasts. He rushed forward and punched Mae in the stomach and Goku across the face. Both of them were sent back down to the ground. When Hearts landed in front of them Mae went in for a punch but he grabbed her hand. Goku brought his leg up to kick but Hearts blocked that as well.

Goku jumped back as Mae punched Hearts with her free hand. He blocked the attack but was sent skidding backwards. This gave Goku the opportunity to go in for an attack. Just before he reached Hearts he suddenly stopped.

"Tremble before my power," Hearts grinned as his energy increased even more. His energy turning a deeper shade of purple.

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