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Gohan arrived at his parent's house and knocked on the door. His mother opened it and smiled at his unexpected visit. "Hello Gohan what brings you here?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Is dad home?" Gohan asked as she led him inside.

"Yes he is. He said he would do some work and bring in some money." Chi-Chi said.

As they went into the living room they saw Goku in his orange gi. "Hey Gohan!" Goku said cheerfully.

"Goku why are you wearing that?!" Chi-Chi demanded.

"I was just gonna train a little!" Goku said taking a step back.

"You are impossible." Chi-Chi sighed.

"Hey dad can you do me a favor?" Gohan asked his father.

"What's up?" Goku asked.

"Can you take these back to Mae?" Gohan held out the button and communicator.

"I think she's in universe eleven. Why don't you just take them yourself?" Goku asked him.

"I really don't wanna see her right now." Gohan frowned.

"You two are still fighting?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Yea. I'm really mad at her decision." Gohan said. "She chose strength over her family. She's putting us all in danger."

"You really think that?" Goku asked.

"Of course. Mae is always been about growing stronger." Gohan said.

"Yea but with her own hard work." Goku said. "She's worked to build her strength. I know for a fact she wouldn't take the easy route and gain strength she didn't work for."

"Then why did she choose to keep Drae alive?" Gohan scowled.

"I dunno. Why don't you go and ask her." Goku said putting his hand on his sons shoulder. "This is your twin. You should know her better than anyone."

"She threatened my family. I just don't know if I can forgive her choice." Gohan said looking away.

"Well you should at least take those back to her. Since you were the one who took them in the first place it's best if you bring them to her." Goku sighed.

"Fine." Gohan gritted his teeth.

Mae put her face in the water letting the shower run over her body. Jiren had been training her how to use her ki better. She wasn't as good as he was but she was getting there. While they trained she knew that he was holding back against her, but she figured he was trying to draw out her power slowly.

She washed her face and turned the water off. She grabbed her towel and dried her body. She wrapped the towel around herself and walked out into the bedroom. Her hair was still dripping as she grabbed her clothes.

"Did you have a nice bath?" Jiren asked her.

"Yea." Mae said as she pulled her clothes on. She took the towel and dried her hair, causing it to spike up even more. Jiren let out a little chuckle and Mae looked at him. "What?"

"Nothing." He shook his head.

"Uh huh sure." Mae said as she fixed her hair.

"I love you." Jiren said putting his hands on her waist. He bent down and kissed her.

"I love you too, Jiren." She blushed wrapping her arms around his neck.

Suddenly Gohan appeared in their room. "Mae, I wanted to return these." He said holding her button and communicator.

Dragonball MaeWhere stories live. Discover now