Paragus and Broly

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When they arrived on Frieza's ship, Paragus thanked Cheelai and Lemo again for saving them. He and his son, Broly, spent the better part of forty years on the abandoned planet of Vampa. They only had bug monsters to survive on and each other. Paragus hoped that Broly would be able to exact his revenge on King Vegeta but that dream quietly died when they informed him of planet Vegeta's destruction.

When they entered the room Frieza was standing before them, tail twitching in amusement. Paragus dropped to his knees in respect. "Lord Frieza!"

"You must be the saiyans I've been hearing about." Frieza said walking over.

"Yes sir, I am Paragus and this is my son Broly." Paragus kept his head low.

"No tail?" Frieza asked inspecting Broly.

"I had to cut it off. He lost control too many times in his great ape form." Paragus explained.

"And has Broly lost control in his normal state?" Frieza asked eyeing Paragus.

"Only a handful of times." Paragus said honestly.

Frieza's expression turned cold, "You brought danger to my ship?"

Paragus jumped up, "no my lord! I assure you I can control him with this device." He pulled out a remote and Broly backed up grabbing at the collar on his neck in fear. "It shoots off an electrical shock. Not much, just enough to control him."

"I see." Frieza said after a moment. "Berryblue please give these people a proper reward for finding these saiyans."

"Yes my lord." She nodded handing some silver bars to Lemo and Cheelai.

"Thank you sir!" They bowed quickly and left before Frieza could change his mind.

"Paragus, you know about your home world, Planet Vegeta, that it was destroyed by a meteor?" Frieza turned to look out the window into space.

"Yes, although I do not mourn." Paragus said.

"Did you also know that Vegeta IV survived?" Frieza grinned. "He's taken up residence on another planet and he has a half breed daughter."

"Of course the prince would survive." Paragus gritted his teeth. "His blood line should have ended!"

"I wish to aid you," Frieza turned around. "I will help you and your son seek your revenge." There was a glimmer in his eyes, he could get these saiyans to do his dirty work. "Berryblue see that Paragus and his son receive new clothing and accommodations."

"Yes my lord." She nodded escorting Paragus and Broly away.

Once they were cleaned and dressed they went to the mess hall to have a meal. There they saw Cheelai and Lemo, they ushered them over. "Hey! How come you aren't wearing your armor?" Cheelai asked.

"I don't like it." Broly said quietly. "It's too restricting."

"Eh you get used to it." Cheelai shrugged. "Don't you want to take off this dirty pelt?"

As she reached for it Broly knocked her hand away, "it stays on!"

"Okay I didn't realize it had sentiment to you." Cheelai said touching the green fur softly.

"Be quiet Broly. We are here to eat not to talk." Paragus said coldly.

"Why are you so mean to him!" Cheelai snapped.

"While we are grateful to you, you don't get to say how I talk to my son." Paragus glared at her.

Just then a thug came over and started to try and pull Cheelai away from them. When she rejected him he tried to grab her. Broly snapped and grabbed the thug and pushed him back. "She said no." Broly warned.

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