Into the future

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When the time machine landed they got out and took a good look at the desolate world around them. Buildings were crumbling and the sky was dark. "Your world is much worse than I imagined." Goku said to Trunks as he walked around.

Trunks saw something on the ground and walked over to pick it up, it was a hunter green cap. "Mai was right here when I left."

Mae and Vegeta stood next to Trunks as he held the cap. She was about to say something when they saw missiles headed right for Goku. "Dad watch out!" She yelled as Trunks flew to stop them. He chopped the missiles with his sword and they blew up behind him.

"You son of a bitch!" A man came charging at Goku.

"Wait don't attack! These are my friends!" Trunks said positioning himself between the men and Goku.

"Oh commander Trunks! We didn't see you there. We thought that man was Goku Black and that other man looks scary as well although the girl doesn't look very frightening." The man saluted Trunks. "So if they are with you then that means your trip to the past must have been a success!"

"See Vegeta! People think you are scary!" Goku laughed as Trunks conversed with the men. "It must be your face."

"Stop talking about my face Kakarot!" Vegeta snapped back.

"He's kinda right though you can be pretty scary," Mae laughed with her father.

"If you want me to show you scary I am happy to do so!" Vegeta shouted in frustration.

"Wow Vegeta! You really are scary!" Goku laughed more.

Before Vegeta could make a retort Trunks came walking up to them. "Hey we are going back to the base now if you guys could follow us. Mai, she's alive!"

When they arrived at the base they saw a woman with long black hair attending to the injured soldiers. She turned when she heard the new arrivals and her face lit up when she saw Trunks standing there. "Trunks! You made it back!"

Trunks ran to her with tears in his eyes, "You are alive! I thought- I thought that he killed you." He held her hands in his overjoyed to see her.

"I'm okay silly now stop crying like that." She gave him a gentle smile before looking to the saiyans that were behind him. "Hello you must be from the past."

Mai led them to where the refugees were explaining how they had to move their base because Black found their last one. She went on to say how she fought him trying to buy time until Trunks got back. She inspired people to stay and fight even when they wanted to run. As they walked through the base they saw what little people were left. There were many among them who were injured.

"This is what's left?!" Vegeta said in surprise looking around at the tattered people. "Here everyone stand back." He moved his way through the small crowd and when there was enough room he threw a capsule and out popped a feast of freshly prepared food.

"Wow thank you father!" Trunks said as people started in on the food.

"Don't thank me. This is from Bulma." Vegeta said crossing his arms.

"Leave it to Bulma to come through." Mae said watching the people happily eat.

"Well of course. She is my wife after all." Vegeta said with pride.

"Hey wait is that Yajirobe?" Goku said looking close at a portly looking man.

Yajirobe turned around surprised to see Goku and Vegeta standing there. "Woah hey Goku! Vegeta, Mae?!"

"Wow Yajirobe I thought you died when the androids attacked!" Trunks said stepping forward.

"I almost did but Korin gave me the last senzu bean and told me to run so I did." He explained teary eyed.

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