Son Goku

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"Only the angels?!" The gods asked in surprise.

"You Whis?!" Beerus' jaw dropped as he looked to his attendant.

"It would seem so." Whis chuckled.

"Hey Dad, don't hold back out there." Mae said holding her fist out.

"I'm gonna give it my all!" Goku grinned as he tapped his fist against hers.

Goku dropped down into the arena to meet the blue wolf, Bergamo. "Gods please! I, Bergamo The Crusher, eldest of the Trio de Dangers, ask for you to listen to me!" Bergamo stated. All of the gods quieted down and listened to what he had to say. "I come from the lowest ranking universe, however that man and his daughter are far lower!" He yelled pointing at Goku and Mae.

"Tch," Mae crossed her arms and glared down at him.

"If it weren't for their request we could have all lived in peace. Goku and Mae are both fools who deserve to be destroyed!" Bergamo glared at the saiyans. "Grand Zen-Oh!" Bergamo said kneeling before them. "I ask you that if I defeat this man then will you rescind the rule to erase the universes?" 

"Oh dear, it seems as though he is trying to make Mae and Goku out to be villains." Whis said as the other gods began to chatter about the saiyans.

"Hmph, they can think whatever they want about me." Mae said flatly.

"I agree, I love to fight on the edge, it gets me pumped, and I can fight to my fullest!" Goku smirked cracking his knuckles.

"You are Bergamo?" Zen-Oh asked.

"Yes sire!" Bergamo bowed his head.

"It's already been decided!" Zen-Oh said.

"Decided! Decided!" The other said in agreement. "But we accept!"

"Yes if you can defeat Goku then the universes shall be spared." The Grand Priest said. "However Goku, if you hold back to try and save yourself and your universe Grand Zen-Oh will erase every universe right now."

"Heh, I ain't losing!" Goku stared determined at his opponent.

"He would really risk the universes?!" The gods chattered. Mae and Gohan looked to their father they knew the gods wanted nothing more than to see Goku fail but they knew better.

"Now let the third match begin!" The Grand Priest announced. Goku and Bergamo didn't hesitate to run at each other. Once they locked together they both were sending blow after blow. It was hard to tell who was stronger in this match.

Suddenly Bergamo stopped in front of Goku and held his arms out, "strike me!"

"What?!" Mae and Gohan said at the same time.

"He's really leaving himself defenseless against Goku?!" Shin asked in equal surprise.

"You really want me to hit you? Well alright then!" Goku smirked before pummeling Bergamo.

Bergamo stood fast and when Goku was done he said, "this is my ability." The punches Goku left were suddenly absorbed and Bergamo began to grow bigger.

"Hahaha! Yes let see how you can stand up to Bergamo now!" Ro laughed maniacally. "He is a warriors who uses his opponents strength and makes it his own! He takes their attacks and makes it his own power and returns it twice as strong! His strength is truly limitless!"

"Limitless eh?" Goku grinned even more. "Now I'm really excited!"

"Hmph," Mae smiled as she watched her father go super saiyan.

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