The tournament is over, see the golden dragon

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The fighters all stared in shock as they watched the gods bow before this small child-like person. Quietly they landed behind the gods, "who is this child?" Vegeta asked.

"This is no child! This is Grand Zen-Oh he is the omni king of all the universes!" Beerus exclaimed. There was fear in his voice and the fighters all realized the severity of this situation.

"The grand priest has also graced us with his presence!" Champa said.

In unison Beerus and Champa said, "you humble us with your visit! But may we ask why you are here?"

"Grand Zen-Oh came to warn you," the grand priest stated.

"I wanted to tell you to stop what you are doing. You have jobs to do but then I watched the fights and it looked so so fun!" Zen-Oh said his voice was like a child's. The Omni king was just so adorable. "Don't you agree?"

"Yes sire!" The destroyers said together.

"Then I had a really really good idea! We should have a tournament with all the universes! Don't you think that would be fun?" Zen-Oh said beaming.

"Oh hell yea! That would be awesome!" Goku said walking to Zen-Oh.

"Dad!" Mae gasped at her father's intrusion.

Beerus grabbed Goku, "I am so sorry for this mortal. He has no manners at all!"

"It's okay!" Zen-Oh smiled at the saiyan. "You had a really good fight!"

Goku approached the Omni king, "Yea it was a lot of fun!"

Zen-Oh then pointed to Mae, "that one did too."

With lightning speed, Beerus grabbed Mae and brought her before Zen-Oh. "This is the saiyan, Mae, she is Goku's daughter."

Mae stood there awkwardly not sure what she should do in this situation. She bowed before the king, "it is a pleasure to meet you sir."

"Hehe you are fun!" Zen-Oh said looking at Mae and Goku.

Goku then reached down and grabbed Zen-Oh's hand and shook it. Mae thought for sure that the gods were going to explode from panic but the small god just laughed. Beerus and Champa sighed relief.

When Zen-Oh was ready to leave he looked to the grand priest and waved goodbye to Mae and Goku. "You two come play with me real soon okay?" He said to them with child-like wonder.

Goku smiled and waved at the small god but Mae was at a loss for words. It was one thing to meet the kais and destroyers but Zen-Oh was a whole new situation. She knew by the way the other gods were reacting that Zen-Oh was someone to fear. However she couldn't deny that he was super adorable.

"I suppose now that Grand Zen-Oh wants to have a tournament I'll have to hang on to you losers. However fail me again and I won't be so merciful." Champa growled at his team leading them away. "Beerus the super dragon balls are yours."

"If only we knew where the seventh one was," Beerus grumbled.

"I think I can help find it!" Bulma said pulling out the new radar she made.

"Mae! Come here!" Chi-Chi ushered her daughter over while they tried finding the last super dragon ball.

"Hey mom," Mae walked over to her mother and brother.

"You were so awesome!" Goten said excitedly.

"You really are just like your father." Chi-Chi said smiling softly. "You've become a strong beautiful woman."

"Thanks mom. One day I will be stronger than dad!" Mae blushed.

"I want to be strong too! Mae, can I train with you?" Goten jumped up in excitement.

Before Mae could answer, Chi-Chi interrupted, "No! You need to go to school and get a good job like your brother!"

Mae laughed, her mother had high hopes for her children. She did wish that Gohan had been able to come and see her fight. She would just have to show him her new strength next time.

"We found the super dragon ball!" Bulma said calling them over. "We've been standing on it this whole time!"

When everyone was back in the strange ship that brought them to the tournament, Whis used his magic to remove the outer crust from the planet with no name. Sure enough there was the final super dragon ball. With all seven there they would be able to summon the dragon and Beerus could get his wish.

"What do we have to say?" Beerus wondered.

"You have to say in the divine tongue 'Come forth divine dragon and grant my wish! Peas and carrots!'" Bulma explained.

Beerus translated for Whis who was standing on top of the box like ship. After the words were said a gigantic golden dragon came from the super dragon balls. Mae and everyone stood in awe as planets and galaxies formed all around them. With wings spread the golden dragon flew straight for them swallowing them whole.

"This must be how we can talk to the dragon," Whis said calming everyone's nerves.

A bright glow of the dragon proved Whis' theory right. Beerus said what he wanted in the divine tongue and Whis again translated. After a moment the dragon spoke and then with a bright flash they were back where they started. The super dragon balls were sent flying back between the sixth and seventh universes.

"What did you wish for?" Goku inquired.

"I asked for a new pillow not that it's any of your concern." Beerus said picking at his teeth.

Everyone sighed in exasperation. Whis began to take everyone back to earth. Mae was happy to be able to get back to training so she could finally master her new super saiyan blue power.

When the ship landed on earth everyone exited and Bulma was happy to say that there was a feast waiting for them. Mae took a few steps and stretched. She was glad that the tournament was over. Her blood was still pumping so she evened her breath and let her body relax.

Suddenly as she relaxed she started to feel very dizzy and she stumbled a couple steps. Goku quickly grabbed her arm helping her keep her balance, "woah, Mae are you okay?"

"I don't know I just feel dizzy," Mae said for some reason her energy felt like it was being snapped from her body. She took another step before she completely collapsed, fainting she fell into her fathers arms.

"Mae! Mae!" Goku said holding his daughter. He was trying to wake her up but she wouldn't wake. "Whis what's wrong with her?"

Whis came over and put his hand on her forehead, "seems she used too much energy and when she finally relaxed it all caught up to her. She is sleeping and she may sleep for a while."

Vegeta gave a concerned look at his pupil, "here, give her to me Kakarot. I will take her to her room so she can sleep."

"Oh okay sure." Goku carefully handed Mae to Vegeta who quickly took her back to her room.

Vegeta laid Mae down on her bed and whispered, "Wake up soon, Mae. You did very well today." He brushed her hair back with almost fatherly attention before covering her with a blanket and leaving the room.

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