The death of Goku

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While Vegeta was off training with Whis, Mae decided to stay so she could train with her father. She wanted to focus more on her super saiyan god form. She got ready for the day and flew off to her parents' home. When she arrived, before she could knock on the door, Goku was standing there in a fighting stance.

"There!" He yelled as he threw a punch at Mae.

"What the hell?!" Mae said as she grabbed Goku's fist.

"Oh sorry Mae, I thought you were someone else." Goku apologized.

"Mae is that you?" Chi-Chi called from inside.

"Here why don't you come in." Goku said as he moved out of her way.

"Hey big sis! There's something wrong with dad." Goten said with a concerned look.

"Yea what's going on with you Goku? You've barely eaten and you've been wearing that gi since this morning." Chi-Chi added.

"Are you feeling okay? Is this like that time your energy was all messed up?" Mae asked as she inspected her father.

"No nothing like that!" Goku laughed. "I'm fine I promise!"

"Hmm well I was going to ask you to train me but now I'm not sure." Mae rubbed her chin.

"Haha why don't you go train with Vegeta?" Goku asked.

"He's with Whis," Mae replied.

"Hey Mae actually now that you are here, can you do me a favor and bring these to Gohan?" Chi-Chi asked handing Mae a package of clothes. "I found these for Pan and I just haven't gone over there yet. Besides when was the last time you visited your brother?"

"Yea I suppose. It has been awhile since I went over there. Goten, do you want to come with me?" She asked looking at her brother.

"Yea! Is it okay if I go with her, mom?" Goten asked excitedly.

"Yea that's fine." Chi-Chi said, she was still concerned for her husband.

"Hey Dad, let's train later when you are feeling better." Mae said as she walked out of the front door.

Mae and Goten flew off to meet with Gohan. When they arrived they explained what was going on with Goku and they decided they should follow him while he was out running errands. They spotted him picking up food at the grocery store. "Here we should wear disguises." Gohan said as he pressed a button on his watch. Within a second he was in his Great Saiyaman outfit. "Here Mae, Goten these are for you." He held out some similar clothes.

"No thanks. I'll just wear these." Goten said picking up the sunglasses.

"Same here." Mae put on the sunglasses and pulled her hood up over her head.

They tailed their father as he walked around with his eyes closed. They walked through an aquarium and even a movie theater. Gohan, Mae, and Goten apologized as the audience yelled at them to get out of the way. They still had no idea where Goku was going and why he had his eyes closed. They were walking through a mall and Goku wandered into a woman's clothes store. The clerks were obviously concerned by his behavior and Mae and the boys tried to contain their embarrassment.

"Okay I give up! I'm opening my eyes!" Goku said suddenly. He looked around the store in frustration. "Where are you?!" He then rushed off looking for someone.

"Oh no! Quick after him!" Gohan said as they chased their father.

"Who is he looking for?" Mae asked as their father wandered out into the road.

"Dad watch out!" Goten started to say as a car crashed into Goku.

"Goku!" Bulma said climbing out of the totaled car. There wasn't a scratch on Goku. "What are you doing in the middle of the road?!"

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