Counter Attack

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"Let's fight together," Mae narrowed her eyes at Zamasu.

"Right," Jiren nodded, keeping a cool composure.

"You can not defeat me, half-breed," Zamasu taunted.

"Tch, we'll see," Mae scowled. She powered up to super saiyan blue and rushed Zamasu. As they punched and kicked at each other Jiren backed Mae up with Ki blasts.

Hearts stared down at Goku. He could feel something different about this saiyan compared to the others. He kept his eyes on Goku as he flew up to face him.

"So you're Hearts," Goku said looking him up and down.

"You have a scent of danger about you," Hearts smirked.

Suddenly a pink Ki blast and a blue one came hurdling for Goku. They exploded upon impact and the Tuffle twins watched the smoke for Goku. They glanced behind them and saw the saiyan above them.

"When did you...?" Kamin gasped. She shook her head and went in for an attack. As she punched out Goku simply dodged the blows. She went in for a kick, which he blocked. Her smile quickly turned into a frown as Goku kicked her straight into Oren. They crashed into the ground below.

Goku turned his head up to Hearts, but instead of attacking him he went for the twins. "Oh?" Hearts snorted in amusement.

Kamin and Oren quickly recovered and flew up to attack Goku. They worked together, timing their attacks but Goku was too quick, avoiding their blows with ease. The power of his incomplete Ultra Instinct was too much for them. He punched them both in the stomach making them cough blood.

Vegeta watched on as the twins continued their assault on Goku. He held his arm and was still on his knees. Trunks landed next to the saiyan prince and looked him over. "Are you okay, dad?"

"Yeah," Vegeta nodded. He glanced over to where Mae and Jiren were.

Zamasu punched Mae in the face and kicked her in the stomach. She bounced off the ground before skidding to a halt at Jiren's feet. Zamasu gave a wicked grin as Mae pulled herself back to her feet. "I told you you couldn't beat me."

"Shut up," Mae growled. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and continued to power up. Her energy rose as her hair and aura turned a pale icy blue. She yelled as her hair grew out behind her, reaching her waist. Once the transformation was complete she glared at Zamasu with the same icey blue eyes.

"Mae transformed again?!" Trunks gasped in awe.

"Super Saiyan Ice," Vegeta replied.

"Let's hit him with one big attack," Mae brought her hands out in front of her. "Final Ka-me-ha-me..." While she charged her energy Jiren held his hands up and formed a huge ball of energy. "HA!" Mae unleashed her energy at the same time Jiren threw the ball at Zamasu. As they hit an explosion of red, blue, and yellow went off. Jiren watched with a wary eye while Mae held her breath.

Toppo looked over at the smoke, "you did it!"

"Something is stirring," Jiren replied.

"Damn it," Mae swore as a purple aura appeared from the smoke. The smoke cleared and Zamasu was standing, perfectly unharmed. "Damn immortal bastard."

Both Jiren and Toppo looked at her surprised. "Immortal?" Toppo repeated.

Zamasu grinned at the three of them. "Are you surprised? I am invincible! Perhaps I shall make the next move." He sped forward, straight for Mae.

Mae shot back, keeping on the defense while Zamasu tried to strike her. Meanwhile, Goku was still fighting Kamin and Oren. Neither of them could touch the saiyan as he continued to dodge and block their attacks. With a fluid motion Goku turned around and drove his elbows into their stomachs. Before they could recover he punched them with the backs of his fists.

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