Android 17

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As Mae and Goku sped towards the lookout they saw some explosions off in the distance and they both decided to go and check it out. They found themselves at one of Mr. Satan's properties and they saw him training with someone. "Hey Mr. Satan! Doing some training?" Mae called to him as the saiyans landed.

"Goku and Mae!" Mr. Satan waved to them. "Yea, I've been training Buu. He hasn't rested at all and he's become super fit. I guess he really wants some of your sweets." He laughed.

"Satan!" Buu said as he emerged from the smoke. He really was looking lean and fit.

"Woah!" Mae and Goku said at the same time.

"Buu look at you!" Goku said. "You must be doing some intense training!"

"Mr. Satan said I could play with lots of fun people also Mae makes the best chocolates." Buu said smiling.

"He's been working really hard!" Mr. Satan chuckled.

"Well Buu if you do well in the tournament I'll make a lot of chocolate for you!" Mae said brightly.

"Hey Buu! Can I spar with you?" Goku asked.

"That's a good idea Buu!" Mr. Satan said.

"Okay then!" Buu agreed and he and Goku flew up to the roof.

"First one to be knocked outside the grounds loses!" Mr. Satan said.

Mae crossed her arms as she watched the two fighters. They both flew at each other although Buu was much faster than Goku. "I'm gonna eliminate them all!" Buu shouted excitedly as he countered against Goku.

"Buu you can't kill anyone! You can only knock them off!" Mae called up to him. "You will get disqualified if you kill them."

"Oh. Okay then Buu just knock them off." Buu replied to her as he dodged an attack. Buu then started sending a barrage of energy blasts at Goku.

"Ki blasts won't work!" Goku said as he blocked against the energy balls. Once Goku's vision was blocked Buu went in for the attack punching him hard in the face. While Goku was recovering Buu grabbed his shoulders and stretched his arms pushing him out of bounds.

"Way to drop your guard dad!" Mae laughed as Goku got up.

"Good job Buu!" Mr. Satan cheered.

"I didn't drop my guard. Nice job Buu going for me while I couldn't see." Goku laughed. "Seems like I learned another lesson today. I hope you have been paying attention too, Mae."

"Yea I have been. Mostly just watching you get your ass kicked." Mae teased.

"Ha ha," Goku said before he turned to Mr. Satan. "By the way 18 entered just like you said."

"Oh great!" Mr. Satan smiled.

"Speaking of, Dad we should get going to see Dende." Mae reminded him.

"That's right! Thanks for sparing with me Buu, see ya Mr. Satan!" Goku and Mae waved good bye and continued on to the lookout.

When they arrived Dende and Mr. Popo were waiting for them. "Hey Dende! You've grown!" Goku said.

"You should address him as a god!" Mr. Popo snapped at the saiyan.

"No, no it's okay. Are you guys here about the Tournament of Power?" Dende asked.

"How do you know about that?" Mae asked surprised.

"Well the supreme Kai and destroyer god were here so I listened in." He chuckled.

"Well we are here to ask if you know where android 17 is." Goku explained.

"Oh yes. He's on a large island to the south. Would you like me to take you there?" Dende said.

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