Time to form a team

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"Damn this whole situation!" Beerus groaned when they arrived at the World of Kais. "How could I have let you saiyans get us into this mess?"

"Come on Lord Beerus it'll be okay!" Mae tried to assure the destroyer.

"No! None of this is okay! I could be erased because of you idiots!" Beerus yelled at the saiyans.

"Lord Beerus think about all the strong people! That Toppo guy was really strong!" Goku chimed in.

"You guys need to get serious! This is no time to be excited!" Beerus was becoming more frustrated.

"All we gotta do is win right? No big deal!" Mae placed her hands behind her head. "Besides I'm lookin forward to fighting too!"

"What am I going to do with you saiyans?" Beerus' ears flattened. "Let's just go to earth and have a strategy meeting at Bulma's."

"Why Bulma's?" Goku asked.

"Because if I'm going to be erased, then I want to have one last meal!" Beerus snarled.

"So much confidence in us," Mae muttered sarcastically.

"What was that?!" Beerus growled.

"I said have some confidence in us!" Mae snapped back.

Before Beerus could retort Whis stopped them, "that's enough we don't need to fight amongst ourselves."

"Fine Whis. Let's go find people, I don't care who as long as they are strong." Beerus crossed his arms as Shin proceeded to take them back to earth.

When they arrived at Bulma's, Chi-Chi was there carrying large amounts of food, "Oh Goku! Good timing I need you to eat this!"

"Yum!" Beerus and Whis sat down and started in on the feast.

"What's with all the food mom?" Mae asked.

"Well when I heard that Bulma's baby was going to be born, I rushed right over but I think it's going to take longer than expected." Chi-Chi explained. "Gohan! what's with the training clothes?"

"Haha well Videl said I should help out Dad and Mae more often." Gohan stammered.

"Mae! You know your brother has important work to do!" Chi-Chi glared at her daughter.

"We have an important tournament and we really need Gohan." Mae explained to her mother.

"You saiyans. How is it that you turned out more like your father?" Chi-Chi sighed as she went in to check on Bulma.

"Mae, Gohan!" Shin got their attention, "we should start choosing warriors."

"How many planets are there with life?" Mae asked.

"Hmm, well with the loss of planets Sadala, Vegeta, Namek, and a few others I'd say about twenty eight." Shin pondered.

"You know our chances of winning this are about 12.5%." The elder Kai spoke up in between bites of food.

"We will be fine! I'm sure we can win!" Goku smiled confidently.

"Since we don't know about other worlds, we should keep our search to earth." Whis added.

"That's a good idea. So with the three of us and Vegeta that's four." Gohan said as he considered possible teammates.

Goku suddenly shot up, "Monaka!"

"No! Monaka cant join because he's sick." Beerus said choking on his rice.

"How do you know? You haven't even told him about the tournament!" Mae said.

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