Mae and Zen-Oh, friends?!

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"We've been summoned where?" Goku asked the destroyer.

"Grand Zen-Oh has requested that you and Mae go to his palace." Whis stated flatly.

"For real?!" Mae said shocked.

"Can't it wait? Bulma is almost done with the time machine." Goku said placing his hands on his head.

"When Grand Zen-Oh summons you that means you go now!" Beerus growled at the saiyan.

"Fine, how long will it take to get there?" Goku groaned.

"It will take me about two days," Whis put his hand to his chin.

"Two days?! Isn't there anyway we can get there faster?" Mae said. She was just as eager to get back home as her father was.

"Oh wait you are friends with the Supreme Kai am I correct?" Whis remembered, Mae and Goku nodded. "The Kai's are able to teleport immediately to Grand Zen-Oh's palace."

"Let's do that then!" Goku said impatiently.

"Don't you think you should be dressed more formal?" Beerus looked at the saiyans' outfits. They were both still wearing their training clothes.

"What's wrong with what we are wearing?" Mae asked looking down at her outfit.

"Do you mean you want us to wear a suit?" Goku asked pointedly.

"Yes I think that would be a great idea." Beerus shrugged.

"No way!" Goku and Mae said at the same time. Neither of them liked being all dressed up.

"If I have to dress all fancy then I ain't going." Goku crosses his arms.

"I feel the same way." Mae remembered all the times her mother had dressed her in formal clothes.

"I suppose I could say there wasn't time to change," Whis giggled.

"Fine fine. Now Goku we need to talk about your manners." Beerus glared. "You need to be on your best behavior in the Omni King's presence."

"Hey I have manners!" Goku protested. "Besides how come you aren't warning Mae."

"Because she at least has some manners. Although you do need to keep that bluntness of yours in check." He turned to Mae.

"Why are you being so nitpicky?" Goku tilted his head.

"Because, you idiot, Grand Zen-Oh could erase everything. That means you, me and anything else he desires!" Beerus hit Goku on the top of his head. "And another thing do not bring up the time machine or Goku Black."

"Ow, Lord Beerus!" Goku said rubbing his head. "Fine we won't mention the time machine."

"Lord Beerus we will try to be on our best behavior." Mae bowed slightly to the god.

"Whis one more thing make sure nothing happens to the Supreme Kai." Beerus crossed his arms.

"Oh? Are you not going?" Whis asked with a quizzical look.

"No! I'm far too busy!" Beerus snapped at his attendant.

"You're busy sitting on a stump?" Mae said raising an eyebrow at the god.

"What was that?!" Beerus yelled at her.

"Oh nothing." Mae rolled her eyes.

"Wow Lord Beerus I didn't expect you to be so protective of the supreme Kai." Goku said.

"He's not actually. He's worried about himself since he and the supreme Kai are a set." Whis explained.

"So if the supreme Kai dies then Lord Beerus dies as well?" Mae pondered.

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