Fight, Saiyan

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Mae braced herself as Broly flew passed her. He attacked Vegeta who quickly blocked his punch. Smirking he took off into the air, Broly following close behind. Goku turned to watch their fight but Mae brought her attention to Paragus.

"Soon my revenge will be complete." Paragus said watching Broly kick Vegeta into a mountain.

"Why are you having Broly carry out your revenge? You should fight yourself!" Mae yelled. "Are you a saiyan or not?"

"I doubt you would understand, princess." Paragus said. "The sins of the father are the sons as well. It seems that King Vegeta's sins have passed to you too."

"Huh? Princess?" Mae blinked. "What are you talking about?"

"You are Prince Vegeta's daughter. That makes you a princess." Paragus said.

Mae had to stifle a laugher as she turned to Goku who shrugged too focused on the fight. "You are mistaken. I'm Son Mae daughter of Son Goku."

"My lord you said," Paragus said turning to Frieza.

"How am I supposed to remember which monkey the halfbreed came from?" Frieza shrugged.

Mae shot Frieza a look but she turned to watch Vegeta. Broly seemed too be gaining the upper hand. He must have been learning and improving his skills as he fought. Mae began to wonder how much further Broly would progress.

"It seems Broly knows how to control his power." Goku said walking over to Mae.

"Yea, Vegeta is still better." Mae crossed her arms.

"I'm impressed at the prince's power." Paragus said. "He truly is a skilled fighter."

"The same can be said for Broly." Frieza said flicking his tail. "This is his first fight and he seems to be doing well."

"Broly and I trained together." Paragus blurted.

"Well with your power level that's nothing." Frieza mocked. It was enough for Mae to show a hint of a smile.

Vegeta powered up to super saiyan, his hair bright yellow and his aura glowing against the snow. "What is that?" Paragus said in shock.

"Are you saying Broly can't become a super saiyan?" Frieza asked.

"Like the legend?" Paragus shook his head. "But that's a myth."

"Goku and Vegeta are both super saiyans." Frieza said through his teeth. "Even the halfbreed can achieve that form."

"Call me halfbreed again and I'll knock your teeth out." Mae said glaring at Frieza.

"My my, bold aren't we?" Frieza laughed.

Broly began to step up and push Vegeta back. "Look he's still in his base form!" Goku said excitedly as Vegeta flew passed, Broly chasing after him.

Vegeta flew straight up, flames began to circle around him and his hair changed to red. Broly went in for a punch but Vegeta dodged it easily. At super saiyan god Broly was outmatched. Vegeta dodged another blow before punching Broly sending him crashing through several mountains.

"Is Broly done?" Frieza asked when he didn't move.

"It, yes I think so." Paragus dropped his head.

"How disappointing." Frieza sighed.

"Broly stand down!" Paragus yelled. When Broly ignored him Paragus swore and reached for the missing remote. "No! Where is it?!"

"I thought you would fight better." Vegeta said holding his hand out. As he formed a huge energy blast Mae and Goku flew over.

"Vegeta don't!" Goku yelled but it was too late.

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