Come on Zeni!

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Mae stood in the shower letting the water cascade down her lean body. Vegeta must have something on his mind because he really went all out on her during their morning training. She brushed her hair back and thought about how the months have gone by. It seemed like forever since her idiot father had hired the assassin, Hit. Things had settled down a lot since then. Mae was more focused than ever on her training since Lord Beerus had brought up the tournament. She turned the water off and dried her body. She picked out a fresh set of training clothes and went outside.

As she was walking she bumped into Goku. "Ah sorry! Dad what are you doing here?" She asked her hair was still damp.

"Oh there you are! I wanted to see if you and Vegeta wanted to come train with me and Whis!" He smiled down at her.

"I'm coming too!" Goten said brightly peaking around his father.

Before Mae could answer Bulma turned the corner in her scooter, "Goku, you came to visit me?" She said climbing out.

"Woah! What happened to your belly?!" Goku asked in shock.

"Don't you remember? I told you that we were expecting our second child." Bulma smiled as she placed her hands on her pregnant belly.

"Wow! No I must have forgotten." Goku laughed.

They went and sat down outside and watched Goten and Trunks play. "Goten, I want you to train with me!" Trunks said to his friend.

"Well okay then!" Goten agreed.

"Looks like the kids are staying here." Goku leaned against the table. "Here Bulma you can have these after all."

"Oh? What is it?" Bulma looked at the bag Goku was handing her.

"It's bean daifuku." Goku said.

"But dad then you won't be able to go train with Whis!" Goten reminded him.

"Do you have anything else to gift?" Mae asked taking a sip of her drink.

"Crap I forgot!" Goku scratched his head.

"Don't worry about me. You guys should go train. I'm sure Mae wants to get out of here. She's been stuck here training with Vegeta." Bulma said endearingly.

"I like training with Vegeta, but you're right I would like to train with Whis." Mae stretched, putting her arms behind her head.

"Speaking of Vegeta do you know where he is?" Goku asked Bulma.

"Last I saw he was out by the gazebo." Bulma pointed out on the grounds.

"Thank you! Come on, Mae!" Goku said standing up. Mae followed her father and they found Vegeta pacing in thought. "Hey Vegeta!"

"K-Kakarot!" Vegeta said startled. "What do you want?"

"Want to come train with us? We are going to Whis'." Goku explained.

"My child is going to be born soon," Vegeta replied.

"So what? Bulma is the one having the baby not you." Goku remarked.

"I should be here for her." Vegeta crossed his arms.

"That's silly. I was dead when Goten was born." Goku leaned against the gazebo.

"I think it's noble he's staying with her." Mae spoke up.

"Well fine then," Goku sighed, "just don't complain when Mae and I become stronger than you."

"Tch, yea right." Vegeta grumbled.

At that moment Whis showed up, "perfect you three are here. Goku do you have the snacks?"

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