Six vs Seven

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"Fight me Goku!" Caulifla demanded as she powered up to super saiyan two.

"You're the saiyan who was fighting Mae earlier right?" Goku asked. "You are already at super saiyan two."

"Mae taught me." Caulifla said.

"Mae taught you, really?" Goku asked surprised. "That Mae over there?" He pointed to where Mae and Toppo were fighting.

"Uh yea." Caulifla said.

"And she didn't snap at you or anything?" Goku asked.

"No?" Caulifla was becoming confused.

"Hey I can be a good teacher!" Mae snapped as she blocked an attack.

"Not really. I remember you training Goten and Trunks. You made them cry!" Goku laughed.

"Actually she did snap at Kale making her go beserk." Caulifla said.

"See that makes sense." Goku said.

"Whatever!" Mae said kicking Toppo.

"I saw you fighting Jiren." Caulifla said. "I want to grow stronger and reach super saiyan three!"

"Do you really think you are ready for three?" Goku smirked.

"Mae said I might reach it in this fight." Caulifla snapped.

"Hmm. Maybe if you can beat me you might be able to reach super saiyan three." Goku said bringing his hands up.

"Are you not going to transform?" Caulifla asked.

"No I'm too tired from fighting Jiren." Goku said. "Don't worry tho, I'll pick up the pace soon enough."

"Dad be careful she's strong!" Mae called as Toppo dodged her attack.

"Heh I can see that." Goku grinned as Caulifla went flying towards him.

Mae focused on her own fight with Toppo. She sent an energy blast at him and he smacked it away. "Why are you so interested in Jiren?" He asked.

"Cause he's strong." Mae said as she lunged forward. "Fighting strong people helps me get stronger."

"So you care only for strength?" Toppo asked as she grazed his cheek.

"I care for other stuff." Mae said. "But yea strength is what pushes me."

"Hmph." Toppo snorted as he tried to grab her.

"I'm not going to let you put me in a joint lock!" Mae used an energy blast to knock his hand away. She felt Goku and Caulifla powering up, their fight must be getting heated.

"You're fighting me now!" Vegeta said jumping in between Mae and Toppo.

"Vegeta no fair!" Mae frowned.

"Go help that idiot Kakarot." Vegeta ordered.

"Go help him yourself!" Mae snapped.

"No I want to fight Toppo now." Vegeta smirked.

"Ugh fine." Mae groaned as she ran off to find Goku.

"Why did you let her go?" Toppo asked Vegeta.

"Because I want to fight you." Vegeta cocked his head to the side as he powered up to super saiyan blue.

Mae quickly found Goku and Caulifla. They were attacking each other and Caulifla got a good punch in sending him crashing into a pillar. "Hey!" Mae jumped down in front of her.

"Mae?" Caulifla backed up. "Are you wanting to fight too?"

"Somethin like that." Mae grinned. "Dad you good?"

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