I will fight!

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A brilliant blue light enveloped Mae, divine power was radiating off her skin and her power was immense. All the training she had controlling her energy had now served to achieve this form. She looked down at her hands and watched the blue aura dance around her. She smirked and looked to Goku and Vegeta. All eyes were on her and she drank it in.

Vegeta smiled down at the saiyan, "you've finally made it." He felt pride for his student and he knew was glad that he had taken her all those years ago.

"Wow, Mae!" Goku yelled down at his daughter. 'She really is incredible!' He thought with a bright smile on his face.

"I won't give up, Hit! I will fight with everything I have!" Mae yelled pointing at Hit.

"So you've pushed yourself this far," Hit said bringing his guard back up.

Mae moved faster than she ever had blinking in and out of sight. The rush of power got her heart pounding, these were the fights she loved. She sent attack after attack moving with speed and precision, only half the time Hit was able to use his time skip.

Hit went to strike at Mae but she jumped back just in time. She smirked and a laugh escaped her lips, "this power is amazing. Thank you Hit for helping me find this!"

Surprised, Hit dropped his guard for a split second, but that was enough for Mae to continue her attacks. She made sure that Hit was unable to attack her vital spots. They continued to attack and block each other with immense speed. Hit could sense Mae was starting to gain the upper hand in this fight.

He distanced himself from the saiyan, aware that his time skip wasn't enough for her. "You are very skilled at fighting, unfortunately this is where it ends for you."

"Hmph, we'll see," Mae growled at him. She wasn't about to give in.

Suddenly Hit was moving faster than before and he caught Mae in the stomach hard, again tasting blood in her mouth. She coughed and dropped to the ground. That hit had been more than before. She countered with a sweeping kick to try and knock him down but he easily jumped over her legs. She quickly got up not ready to give in especially since she had this new found power.

"Something is wrong," Goku said to Vegeta. "I don't know how much longer she can hold this form." Vegeta stood with his arms crossed not taking his eyes off the fight. He frowned knowing that Goku was right.

Mae pushed herself even harder trying to keep up with the new speed. She found herself taking more hits than before, her stamina waning. She gritted her teeth and flew at Hit, when her attack missed she brought her leg behind her and landed a blow. When she looked back Hit had a hold of her leg.

"Let go!" She yelled kicking at his hand. He grabbed her other leg and spun her around and smashed her to the ground. The wind rushed out of her and pain exploded through her body. Shaking, she got back up again and yelled, unleashing more power. Her blue hair was standing up moving with her energy. She jumped back ready to try and finish this. This was her last chance and she knew she had to end it with one hit. She brought her hands to her side like her father, "ka-me-ha-me-HA!"

Energy exploded from her hands flying right at Hit. However his time skip was too fast and he was on Mae as her attack missed. He hit her where her neck met her shoulder and the saiyan dropped to the ground. Her blue hair reverting back to black, she felt the world spin as she fainted. Hit had won the fight.

She woke up to someone shaking her, "Mae I brought you a senzu bean." She opened her eyes and saw Goku staring down at her. He held her and fed her the bean. Her entire body felt so weak. She had used every ounce of energy she had.

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