Eternal Dragon

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"Vegeta should have gathered the other dragon balls by now." Goku said as they flew back to Capsule Corp.

"I left four with Bulma." Mae said. "Oh crap. That woman."

"What woman?" Gohan asked.

"Drae kidnapped a woman and was using her as like an assistant. Oh man she's probably freaking out." Mae groaned.

"I'm sure Vegeta will explain things to her." Goku said.

"Hopefully." Mae sighed.

They landed and saw Vegeta, Bulma, and Bethy standing outside. The seven dragon balls were already on the ground waiting to summon Shenron. "Mae! Vegeta told us what happened." Bulma said as they walked over.

"Bulma I'm really sorry." Mae bowed to her.

"It's okay, sweetie. You weren't yourself." Bulma hugged her. "I'm just glad you came back."

"I couldn't have done it without Gohan or Jiren." Mae said looking to them both. She brought her attention to the blonde woman. "Bethy right?"

"Y-Yes." Bethy stammered. "That man, Vegeta, told me all about you and all this nonsense."

"Yea I'm really sorry for everything I put you through." Mae said.

"Your name was Drae at the time but now it's Mae right?" Bethy said.

"Yea. I'm sure this isn't how you pictured your day going." Mae laughed nervously.

"Not really. I guess it's better than sitting in my apartment wallowing about losing my job." Bethy said trying to make light of the situation.

"You lost your job?" Bulma asked.

"Yea I was an assistant before." Bethy explained.

"Well why don't you work here at Capsule Corp." Bulma offered.

As they started talking Vegeta walked over to her. Mae prepared herself for a beating but Vegeta put his hand on her head. "You idiot." He said.

"Vegeta!" Goku whined.

"Glad to have you back kid." Vegeta smirked.

"We should summon Shenron." Gohan reminded them.

"Right." Mae nodded stepping to the dragon balls.

"You know what to say right?" Bulma asked her.

Mae nodded and held her hands out over the balls. "Eternal dragon by your name I summon you, Shenron!"

Shenron emerged from the dragon balls and looked down at them. "I am the eternal dragon Shenron state your wish."

"Oh my god! That's a dragon!" Bethy said in awe.

"Shenron! Please reverse the death and destruction I've caused." Mae yelled her request.

"You are not the one who did this." Shenron said. "The one sleeping inside you did. I can reverse the damages she did if that is your wish. I cannot bring back the people of Planet Lync since they made a deal with a deity."

"What's he talking about?" Gohan asked Mae.

Mae frowned. "Yes that's my wish. Reverse the death and destruction she caused!"

"Your wish is granted." Shenron said as his eyes glowed red. After the wish was granted the dragon balls shot up into the sky and scattered about the earth.

"Mae what did Shenron mean? The one sleeping inside you?" Gohan asked. "You killed Drae right?"

"No I didn't." Mae said softly.

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