Mae goes home

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Back on Earth Goku proceded to ask Beerus everything he could about Monaka. Vegeta and Mae walked off together to start thinking about who would make good team members.

"Vegeta, I want to fight in the tournament!" Mae said she had a determined look on her face that said she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I figured you would. So we need one more person." Vegeta crossed his arms and thought of who would make a worthy teammate. 

"Lord Beerus yelled at me," Goku walked over with his hands on his head. "So besides me and Vegeta who else can we get to join?"

"Mae is joining us too," Vegeta glared at Goku.

"Oh cool! Hey we should ask Piccolo if he wants to join!" Goku smiled.

"Whatever, Kakarot. It doesn't matter to me. I won't let you take the spot light this time." Vegeta scowled and walked away.

"Hey dad I'm gonna go visit mom before the tournament. Also Gohan might be with Piccolo, if you see him tell him I say hi." Mae said to her father.

"Okay! I'll be over to see Chi-Chi when I'm done with Piccolo. She's probably gonna kill me." Goku said nervously as Mae flew off.

Mae landed softly in front of her mother's house. Slowly she walked up and knocked on the door. Her little brother, Goten, answered the door. He was the spitting image of their father. "Hey, Goten! Is mom around?"

"Hi, big sis! She's in the kitchen making some food." Goten led the way to where their mother was.

"Hi mom." Mae smiled, even though she was a couple inches shorter than Chi-Chi her mom was still really intimidating.

"Mae! Where on earth have you been? I haven't heard from you in awhile. Is Vegeta making you do some crazy training. I swear I'm going to have serious words with him for keeping my precious daughter from me." Chi-Chi frowned at Mae. She looked as if steam was going to come out of her ears.

"Actually I went with Vegeta and Dad to Lord Beerus' world," Mae braced herself for her mom to freak out.

"Well I guess it can't be helped, you are your fathers' daughter," she sighed.

"Huh?! You aren't mad?" Mae was shocked.

"No I'm not mad. Although I do wish you would settle down with a family." Chi-Chi turned back to finish cooking. "Maybe one of these days you can help your father with the farm."

"Uh yea I suppose I could do that." Mae said. Chi-Chi turned and glared at her daughter. "I mean yea definitely I can do that. Anything to help you, mom!"

"You are such a good daughter!" Chi-Chi said going back to her happy demeanor. "So did your father come back with you?"

Mae figured she would let Goku tell her mother  about the tournament. "Yea he just went to say hi to Piccolo and Gohan but he said he would be along shortly after."

"That Goku. He needs to come home and get to work supporting his family." Chi-Chi started to rant and Mae knew it would be awhile before she stopped.

"Hey big sis?" Goten tugged on Mae's pants. "While you are here can we train together?"

"Haven't you been training with Trunks?" Mae looked down at her brother.

"Yea I have but I think it would be fun to train with you!" Goten had the same eagerness that Mae and Goku had when it came to training. "Besides mom has me here studying all the time."

"Okay well then we can go a few rounds before dad gets here," Mae said, Goten's eyes lit up. "We should sneak out while mom is still ranting." Mae chuckled as she and her brother sneaked outside.

Even though Goten was strong it was easy to predict his movements. He was a straightforward fighter and it wasn't often that he didn't have Trunks to help him. Mae admitted that the boys did make a great team. She was really enjoying the small sparing match when finally Goku showed up.

"Hey Mae and Goten! Are ya getting some training in?" Goku smiled, "want me to join ya?"

"Dad! Come spar with us!" Goten said glad his father came home.

"Gooookuuuu," Chi-Chi said darkly. Her eyes locked into an evil glare. The three saiyans shrunk in fear.

"Haha hey Chi-Chi," Goku laughed nervously. He looked to his kids for help but Mae and Goten were looking down at the ground.

As if they had the same idea Mae said, "Okay bye dad! Goten and I are going to Vegeta's place!"

Before Goku and Chi-Chi could say anything Goten and Mae were flying off as fast as they could. Neither of them wanted to get involved in what was going to happen next.

When Mae and Goten arrived at Vegetas', Trunks ran out to meet his friend. "Goten, you came to visit! Do you wanna go spar?"

"Yeah! Bye Mae!" Goten said running after the lavender haired saiyan.

They had a little over three days to prepare for the tournament. Mae hoped Vegeta would be willing to train her before they had to leave. She wandered about for a little while lost in thought. She thought about divine power and since she was able to feel it she was sure she would be able to use it. Sitting down she crossed her legs and meditated trying to feel the power within herself. There deep down was a small spark that felt like divine power but she was unsure how she was going to bring it out. Reaching out inside she almost touched the spark when she lost her concentration.

"Come on Vegeta! We have three days let's go train together!" Goku was pleading with Vegeta.

"Tch fine just to get you to shut up," Vegeta scowled.

"We can go to that place to train. Three days that's three years training together." Goku smiled. Vegeta was already starting to regret agreeing to train with him.

"Can I come too?" Mae walked over to the saiyans.

"Yea that would be great, what do you think Vegeta?" Goku said.

"Fine by me," Vegeta crossed his arms.

"Awesome! By the way dad, what did you tell mom about the tournament?" Mae wondered.

"Oh haha I told her we were having a picnic in space," Goku scratched his head nervously.

"And she bought that?!" Mae knew that when Chi-Chi found out her father was going to be in trouble.

"I'm going to leave you two here," Vegeta said flying off towards the lookout.

"Coming!" Mae and Goku said at the same time flying to join Vegeta. Mae was excited to spend three years training with the saiyans. She hoped during that time she would be able to touch that spark and go super saiyan blue before the tournament.

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