Ultra Instinct

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Mae smiled at the silver glow that surrounded Goku. "I'm putting my faith and trust in you, dad. You gotta win so our universe can survive. Now go kick his ass." Goku didn't say anything. He just gave her a short nod as he prepared to face Jiren.

"This is the third time Goku has done this." Krillin said in awe.

As if he could feel the power shift in the air Frieza finally woke up. "Damn it how could I have lost. Seems Goku is getting serious."

"Frieza you did well." Beerus said. "Now we can only hope that Goku can finish this."

"This is the absolute last chance he has." Whis explained. "Once that glow fades then everything will be decided. With Mae unable to move he has no one to help him and no way to heal."

Goku pushed against the ground and attacked Jiren. Their force cause the island they were standing on to explode. Mae fell, "Well I guess there are worse ways to go out." She laughed to herself. She closed her eyes and accepted her fate. Soon she would be in the stands with Gohan and Vegeta. She opened them one last time to see Jiren and Goku attacking each other with lighting speed.

"I've got you." Someone said as he wrapped his arms around her, carrying her back to the arena.

She looked at her savior and found android 17 staring back at her. "17? I thought you died!"

"Nah. Everyone is watching Goku and Jiren. So we need to hide out until time is up." He said. "Can you stand?"

"No." She shook her head. "I used all my energy fighting Jiren."

"I'll just have to carry you then." 17 said as he jumped out of the way. The force of their attacks was causing shockwaves around them.

"There's something wrong with his attacks." 17 said as he watched.

"Goku's attacks are sharper but he can't get in a solid hit." Piccolo said.

"It's like when he fought Kefla." Krillin said.

"He's still thinking through his attacks, trying to figure out what would be most effective." Whis explained. "These thoughts dull his attacks while using ultra instinct. Hopefully he can avoid waiting time and energy without landing an effecting strike."

"Do you think he can win?" 17 asked Mae as he jumped back giving them cover.

"I'm sure he can." Mae said. "He's always pushing himself further and further. If anyone were to win this thing it would be him. He is truly amazing when it comes to fighting."

"You've got a good point there." 17 said as he looked back to the fight.

Goku knew he needed to end this in one strike. As he jumped from rubble to rubble he readied his attack. "Ka-me-ha-me," he jumped up and once he was in front of Jiren he unleashed the attack. "HA!" His blast was so strong that the energy beams shot through the arena and were coming up on various places.

Jiren held his hand out using his own energy to deflect Goku's. "By watching his fight with Kefla you saw through his attack!" Toppo said in awe.

Jiren unleashed the ball of energy sending Goku flying. "Woah! Woah! Amazing! Amazing!" The Zen-Ohs cheered.

"He didn't take a direct hit." Mae said as Goku began to fall.

"How?" 17 asked.

"He used the flow of his energy to deflect Jiren's." Mae said. She wished that she could do something to help.

"There's no need to fear." Belmod sighed. "Goku's offensive is no good. Universe eleven is sure to win."

"It's only a matter of time." Their Kai agreed.

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