Bachelorette Party

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The ocean breeze caressed Mae as she flew. The scent of sea and salt hit her nose causing her to take a deep breath. The cool air ruffled her hair as she sped up. She approached a cruise ship and landed softly on the deck. "Hey 17!" She called out.

"Mae?" Android 17 asked poking his head out from behind a pillar. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to invite you to my wedding." Mae blushed as he walked up.

"You're gettin married?" 17 raised an eyebrow. "To whom?"

"Jiren." Mae mumbled.

"What's that?" 17 smirked.

"Jiren okay?" Mae said blushing even more.

"I thought you didn't like him." 17 teased.

"Yea whatever." Mae pouted. "So you coming or not?"

"Sure I'll be there." 17 laughed. "So has he changed since the tournament?"

"Yea he has. He's still serious and he's a bit overprotective but he's beginning to trust more." Mae explained.

"That's good." 17 said. "By the way how did you find me?"

"Well since I can't sense your energy I just flew around until I found your ship." Mae said.

"How many ships did you visit?" 17 asked.

"About five." Mae laughed. "They weren't pleased to have a random girl fly down."

"Yea I bet." 17 laughed with her.

"Well I better be off. I told 18 and Videl I would meet with them later." Mae said handing him a paper. "Here the time and date. See ya then!"

"Later Mae!" 17 waved her off.

The sun was beginning to set when Mae arrived back at Capsule Corp. She ran inside and quickly changed her clothes. She put on a pair of grey pants, a light blue t shirt and her grey jacket. As she was slipping on her shoes Jiren walked in.

"Going to meet your friends?" He asked as she fixed her hair.

"Yep. I'm kinda running late though." Mae laughed. "Are Dyspo and Toppo coming?"

"They are working they said they would be here for the wedding. Goku and Gohan should be here soon though." Jiren said. They were having a small get together for him.

"Play nice with the others." Mae said giving him a
quick kiss.

"Don't do anything stupid." Jiren smirked.

"I'm just going out with Videl and 18. What could go wrong?" Mae asked as she slipped out the door.

She flew to the bar that Videl and 18 were at. When she landed they were already waiting for her. "Took you long enough." Videl said.

"Sorry I went to see 17 then Jiren and I were chatting." Mae explained.

"It's okay you are here now." 18 said. "Krillin has Marron so let's go let loose."

"What did you do with Pan?" Mae asked Videl.

"My dad is watching her. He said that Gohan and I deserve a break." Videl explained.

"That was nice of him." Mae said as they went inside. The lights were dim and there were people sitting and some were dancing.

"I'll go get us drinks. You guys find a spot to sit." 18 said as she went up to the bar.

Videl and Mae sat down in an empty booth. "It feels like forever since I actually relaxed." Mae said.

"You've been training?" Videl asked.

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