Training with saiyans

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Gohan woke up suddenly in the night. He had been staying with Bulma and Vegeta since his sister had collapsed three days prior. However he woke because he could no longer sense his sister's energy. He got up and raced out of his room and banged on Vegeta's door. "Vegeta get up something is wrong with Mae, I can't sense her!"

Vegeta opened the door with a tired look on his face, "why the hell are you banging on my door in the middle of the night. I can still sense her so I don't know what your problem is."

Gohan's eyes widened in realization and with out a word he ran to Mae's room. He opened the door and he saw her standing in the darkness with blue light around her. "Mae!" He gasped looking at his twin he felt her power surging through the room. Behind him Vegeta and Bulma entered the room.

"Hey Gohan, Vegeta, and Bulma." She turned around to face them. Her blue hair trembling from the energy coming off her body.

"So you finally are awake," Vegeta said smirking.

Gohan ran to his twin and embraced her. Her power was making him feel warm throughout his body. "I was so worried about you."

Surprised, Mae hugged him back, "I'm sorry Gohan. I'm okay though. How long was I out for?"

"You've been sleeping for three days. Vegeta said I could stay here until you woke up. You really are amazing." Gohan said looking fully at her new form.

"When I woke I wanted to see if I could still use this form." She said still holding her brother's hand.

"You've made that power your own." Vegeta said.

Mae remembered her dream and the words that her other self had said. "You're right Vegeta. I will continue to work on this power!"

"Hmph," Vegeta turned around smiling, "I'm going back to bed now." Vegeta and Bulma left the room and went back to their own.

"You should go back to sleep too, Gohan," Mae said reverting back to her normal state.

"Yea you are right. I'm glad you are okay." He said as he walked out of her room. Mae stared at her twin with unconditional love. She knew that no matter what happened Gohan would always be there for her.

The next morning Mae got up and prepared herself for a full day of training. She hadn't been able to go back to sleep after she had woken up so she spent the night meditating and focusing her energy like Whis had showed her. She was ready and waiting when Vegeta had woken up. She was in such a good mood she decided to surprise attack him.

She waited quietly until Vegeta turned the corner. She then used that moment to fly and attack him with a kick. He grabbed her leg before she hit. "You have to try harder if you want to sneak up on me." Vegeta said with his eyes closed.

He threw Mae down the hall where she rolled and caught herself. She went to super saiyan and was about to go in for another attack when Bulma stopped her. "What are you doing?! You are not going to be sparing here in the middle of the hall. Either go outside or the gravity room. I can't believe I have to tell you this!" She grumbled as she stormed away.

Mae laughed, "man Bulma can be scary when she's angry."

"Yea she can. We should go have breakfast then we can train in the gravity room. Let's see if your super saiyan blue is actually any good." Vegeta said going to the kitchen area.

"Hmph you're on!" Mae said following him.

When they were finished eating they went to the gravity room and began their training. They started off slowly, sparing at their base level before kicking things up to super saiyan. The gravity room made their fighting more intense because of the weight pulling on them. Eventually they worked their way up to super saiyan blue.

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