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Vegeta faced the man in the battle suit again, his anger rising at the sudden loss of universe six. "Prepare yourself. I'm in a terrible mood." 'When I win I will use the super dragon balls to bring you guys back. Then you can keep your promise.' 'My promise?' 'You promised to take me to Sadala.' Vegeta thought back to the conversation he had with Cabba.

"I am Katopesla, let me show you my secret ultimate form." He said jumping up on a pillar. His suit began to glow as it changed, when the light faded a purple 'U' was on his chest. "This mode is 300x faster and stronger than..." He was cut off as Vegeta rushed him at super saiyan. "You cut me off mid-sentence! That's not fair!"

"I really don't care." Vegeta scoffed. "I'm not interested in hearing you brag."

"So be it." Katopesla said as his glove began to glow. He ran for Vegeta and knocked him back. He began attacking the saiyan repeatedly until Vegeta unleashed his energy knocking him back. "I suppose I will have to use this hidden move." He held up two fingers and a target formed around them.

"Hmph." Vegeta scoffed as the energy flew at him. "Final Flash!" The energies met in the middle and Vegeta put more power into his attack over taking his opponent. "That's how you do a final attack." He said as Katopesla reached the edge of the arena. As Vegeta went to finish it his opponent was suddenly knocked off. Vegeta ran over to the edge and looked over. "He jumped?"

Suddenly something swept under Vegeta's legs and he fell off the arena. He reached back to grab hold but someone grabbed onto his arm. Vegeta looked up and saw Mae holding on. "Hey, need a hand?" She laughed as she pulled him up.

"Thanks. I thought you were with Kakarot." Vegeta said crossing his arms.

"I was but then I saw you fighting and I wanted to see. So what the hell just happened?" Mae asked.

"I'm not sure. Something just kicked out my legs and I fell." Vegeta explained.

"Well good thing I was here to help." Mae winked.

"I didn't need your help." Vegeta frowned.

"Haha of course not." Mae stuck her tongue out. "Well I'm off to find out what's happening."

"Hmph." Vegeta turned from her.

"Hey, I'm- I'm sorry about Cabba." Mae said softly.

Vegeta looked back at her slightly surprised, "it doesn't matter. As long as I win."

"Heh," Mae turned and ran off. She looked up and saw her twin standing on a pillar. Before she could call out to him, he was knocked off and flying over the edge. "Gohan!" She yelled trying to save him.

Gohan fell and just as he thought he was going to be in the stands Piccolo extended his arms and grabbed him. "Thanks, Piccolo."

"I wonder if it's another person who can use a time skip?" Piccolo said as they looked around.

Mae could feel a slight presence but she couldn't find the energy. "Gohan, Piccolo!" She called to them as she ran up. Suddenly her legs were kicked out from under her and she fell to the ground. "The hell?" She said as she caught herself with her hand.

"Mae!" Gohan said as he ran to her. "Oh wow. You look uh." He stammered looking her up and down. Last he had seen her she only had a couple scrapes and her shirt was ripped. However now she looked like she received a serious amount of damage.

"I'm fine." Mae said as she brushed herself off. "Most of this is from Kefla." Her pants were ripped in several places and her tank top had many holes.

"Everyone stopped." The Zen-Ohs complained. "Why have they stopped?"

"Hmm it seems something interesting is happening." The Grand Priest said rubbing his chin.

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