Mae vs Mae

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"Ha!" Mae yelled as she went in to attack Whis. He chuckled as he dodged her attack. Goku and Vegeta came in from the sides trying to land a blow as well. Whis jumped back with ease, letting the Saiyans crash into each other. Mae planted her hands on their shoulders, pulling herself up and over them to try and get at Whis.

"Not a bad strategy, but you will have to do better," Whis chuckled.

Mae narrowed her eyes and placed herself between Goku and Vegeta. The three saiyans took off trying to get a hit in. Whis dodged their attacks with a smile on his face. He used his staff and knocked them all back onto their behinds.

"I must say you three are in good form today," Whis said. "Mae you've gotten stronger despite the training you've been missing. Jiren must be doing a good job of training you."

Mae stood up, "Yeah he's a good teacher. But it's good to be here training with you guys."

"You still have a long way to go if you want to reach Ultra Instinct," Whis said with a gleam in his eye.

"Yeah I know," Mae tucked her hands behind her head.

"You still want to achieve that form?" Vegeta asked.

"Sure, if dad did it there's no reason why I can't," Mae shrugged.

"How are things coming with Super Saiyan Ice?" Goku asked.

"Better, I can hold the form longer and I think I can boost the power a little more," Mae replied.

Before they could continue Mai, from the future, came running up to them. "Hey! Goku, Vegeta, Mae!"

"Hey Mai," Goku said.

"What are you doing here?" Mae asked.

"Trunks has gone missing!" Mai said. "The supreme kai brought me here."

"Trunks was supposed to come here from the future to train with you all correct?" Shin asked.

"Yes he was," Whis nodded.

"What do you mean he went missing?" Vegeta asked.

"I'm not sure, he just vanished!" Mai said. There was worry across her face.

"I think I can help you out," A man with lavender colored skin and white hair stepped out from behind a tree. He pushed his glasses up his nose and had a look that made Mae slightly uneasy. "My name is Fu, I'm a friend of Trunks. It seems he got mixed up in something bad and is now on the Prison Planet."

"How do you know?" Vegeta asked, clearly not trusting him.

"My friend was in trouble so naturally I looked into it," Fu said innocently. "Although I heard a rumor that there are dangerous people from all over the universe there. If we don't hurry Trunks will be in danger." With that he vanished into thin air.

"Tch, Trunks can be such a pain," Vegeta groaned.

"We should go help," Mae said after a moment. "Despite what that guy said, Trunks really could be in trouble."

"Agreed, Kakarot take us to the Prison Planet," Vegeta commanded.

"Hmm, that Fu concerns me," Whis said almost in thought.

"Mai, before you go can you do me a favor?" Shin asked pulling her to the side.

"Sure," Mai said. She talked with him briefly before walking up to Goku and the others. "Okay let's go."

Goku used his instant transmission to bring himself, Vegeta, Mai, and Mae to the Prison Planet. For the most part the planet looked like Earth. The grass was green and the sky was blue except for the chains that crisscrossed overhead.

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