Future Twins

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Mae stood over her stove and made something to eat. She glanced over at her clock and sighed. Goku was late. They were supposed to go to King Kai's to train since Whis and Beerus were off on some god mission. She tapped her foot impatiently as the eggs finished cooking. She scraped them out of the pan and put them on a plate with a slice of ham and some rice.

She set the plate on the counter but just as she was going to sit down she heard a door open from the back of her house. This was odd since Jiren was supposed to be working in universe eleven. Quietly she pressed her back against the wall and glanced over her shoulder into the hall. She saw a tall figure approaching with an energy she didn't recognize.

Just before he rounded the corner she leaped, bringing him down to the ground. "Who are you?" She demanded holding a ball of energy in front of him.

"What the?" He blinked at her in confusion. "Is this some weird training?"

"Tell me who you are and why you are here?" Mae growled. She took a look at the boy beneath her, he had a spiked black mohawk and grey skin.

The light came on and a girl walked out of one of He side rooms, "wow Gicchin, she really got you."

"The hell?" Mae swore narrowing her eyes at the girl. She took a step into the hall and Mae formed an energy blade reaching to her throat.

"Why am I being attacked?" The girl asked. She had pale peach skin and white/grey hair. It was spiked and fell to her shoulders.

"You deserve it, Chi!" The boy named Gicchin said glancing back at her.

With the light Mae looked down at Gicchin's gi. It was blue with a black undershirt but what really got her attention was the Son family symbol. "Explain this!" Mae said forming a blade. She pointed it at his chest where the symbol was.

"What's with you today?" Gicchin blinked at her.

"Yea are you okay?" Chi asked equally confused. "Did you and grandpa fight too hard?"

"Who the hell are you kids?!" Mae yelled. Her frustration rising even higher. "I want some damn answers and I want them now!"

"This has to be some sort of training right mom?" Gicchin asked her raising an eyebrow.

"Mom?" Mae blinked rapidly and jumped back. "I think you are mistaken."

"No?" Chi said stepping over Gicchin. "Did you lose your memory or something?"

That's when Mae noticed Chi's outfit, she was a pride trooper. "So you are from universe eleven?" Mae asked crossing her arms.

"Dad is," Chi said inspecting Mae. "Are you feeling okay, Mom?"

"Why are you calling me mom?" Mae asked, a headache was beginning to form at her temples.

"Cause you are," Gicchin said adjusting his gi. "I don't know how or why you lost your memory but we are your kids."

"I don't have any kids," Mae shook her head.

Suddenly Goku arrived in the middle of the room via instant transmission. "Mae you ready to go? Wait who are these?"

"Big sis!" Goten said popping out from behind Goku. "Mom wanted me to bring you this!" He handed her a box with pastries that Chi-Chi had made. "She also wants you to come and visit. She said to make sure you bring Jiren too!"

"Thanks Goten," Mae said taking the box. "You head home now. There's something I'm dealing with."

"Hold up!" Chi said taking a look at Goten. "That's Uncle Goten?!"

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