Saiyan Blood

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"Do you really think you are going to defeat Black with those pathetic moves?" Vegeta asked during one of their trainings sessions. They had been in the hyperbolic time chamber for three months.

"Damn it!" Mae was becoming increasingly frustrated. Using that frustration she sent more attacks at Vegeta. She had been working harder than ever, they had no other option but to beat Black and Zamasu.

"Now you are just getting sloppy. I've told you before that using your anger is good, but too much and your moves become predictable." He chastised her as he kicked her sending her flying.

"You're right." She wiped her mouth and calmed herself down pushing into super saiyan. "How about this then!" She yelled as she launched at him.

"Better but still not enough." He smirked as he blocked her attack.

For the next three months they continued to train each of them pushing each other to be better. On the final day they stepped up to super saiyan blue and went at each other with everything they had. In the end they broke through the time chamber causing it to crumble around them. They both stopped, covered in sweat and breathing heavy.

Dende and Mr. Popo came running to see the broken time chamber. Vegeta nodded to Mae and they both of them flew off to meet with Goku and Bulma. "Good luck, Vegeta, Mae." Dende called after them.

When they arrived back at Capsule Corp they changed their clothes and took a quick shower. By the time they were ready to go Goku had arrived. He had been successful in learning the Evil Containment Wave from Master Roshi. Without hesitation, they all climbed into the time machine and went back to the future. When they arrived they could tell that something was wrong.

"Where is Trunks?" Bulma asked looking around for her son.

"He's still alive but barely. His energy is fading." Vegeta said to his wife.

"You mean he is dying?!" Bulma exclaimed. "Why don't you guys get out there and go fight them!"

"No need. They are coming to us." Mae said crossing her arms. She finally felt ready for this fight.

Trunks arrived first with Mai but he was in bad shape. Bulma rushed to him "thank you sweetie for buying us time."

"Yea mom. They are coming." He said holding his side.

"I expected you would come back." Zamasu sneered.

At that moment Black destroyed their time machine. "There, now you can't run away."

"This place will be your final resting places." Zamasu laughed.

"The only ones who will be dying are you guys." Vegeta smirked.

"That's right we have a plan to beat you!" Goku yelled at them.

"Dad you have the jar right?" Mae asked when she noticed her father's hands were empty.

"Oh crap! I left it in the time machine!" Goku said realizing it was missing.

"Kakarot you idiot! That means it's been destroyed as well!" Vegeta snapped.

"Well it's not like I have anywhere to hold it!" Goku replied.

"You have your hands!" Mae stated. If they didn't have the jar then the containment wave would be useless.

"Oh yea I guess I didn't think about that." Goku scratched his head apologetically. "I guess we will have to beat them with our fists instead."

"Fine with me." Mae sighed.

"It's probably better this way." Vegeta added.

"Zamasu!" Suddenly Gowasu and the Supreme Kai appeared. "Lord Beerus has told me everything you've done!"

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