Mae and Jiren

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Mae powered up to super saiyan. "I hope you are ready!"

Jiren faced her and 17, "no blue?"

"Hmph I don't need it." Mae smirked.

"Why did you save Goku? It's futile to keep someone who can no longer fight." Jiren said glancing to where Goku was laying.

"Because he would have done the same for me." Mae said. "Also just in case."

"Is this your power of trust?" Jiren asked her. "You don't seem like someone to put their faith in others."

"Perhaps." Mae shrugged. "I wouldn't be here though without them."

"I suppose I'll never know." He said as he rushed forward attacking 17.

17 blocked the attack and skidded backwards. Mae jumped in front and went in to kick Jiren. At that they took off punching and kicking at each other. 17 ran jumping from island to island to keep up. "They are so fast." He said as he ran forward.

"You are gettin winded." Mae said as she kicked Jiren back. "Don't tell me you are getting weak."

"Tch, I'll show you my strength." Jiren growled as he punched her sending her flying back.

"I've got you now." 17 said as he grabbed Jiren, energy ball ready. "This time it'll really hurt."

"That won't work again!" Jiren yelled as he brought his arm down on 17.

"Same here." 17 said as he formed a barrier around them at the same time the explosion went off. 17 shot backwards, caught in his own blast.

"Are you okay?!" Mae asked as she ran to him.

"Yea I'll be okay." He gasped. They both turned their attention to Jiren as the smoke cleared.

"D-Damn it." Jiren stammered as he collapsed to his knees.

"Go finish it." 17 said to Mae.

"Okay." Mae walked over to Jiren and held her hand up. She formed a ball of energy ready to blast him off the arena.

"Jiren did really well." Belmod said solemnly.

She hesitated for a moment and Jiren spoke. "Just finish me off."

"So you are just gonna give up?" Mae asked lowering her hand. "You should just jump off yourself then." Jiren looked up at her in surprise. "You really are amazing Jiren. You don't deserve to go out like this."

"Mae hurry up and knock him off!" Beerus yelled at her.

"Wait." Vegeta said to the god.

"What about your friends. Don't you think they would want you to fight to the very end?" She asked him.

"I don't have friends." Jiren said flatly.

"I get it." Mae said softly. "You don't think you need friends because you have strength. Friends can be used against you or they can get in the way. Better to distance yourself right?"

"Mae knows what it's like to cut everyone off." Vegeta explained.

"She probably would have turned out like Jiren if it weren't for me and Vegeta." Gohan added.

"Look up there." Mae said pointing to where universe eleven was sitting. "I bet every one of them would give their life for you just because you are their friend. Look at how they rely on you."

"Mae," Jiren said as he looked at his team. He could see their hope on their faces.

"Strength is one thing but strength in friends is a whole other. You could be so much more, Jiren. Don't let your past make who you are." She smiled at him with tears forming in her eyes.

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