The Strongest Mortal

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Hearts held Mae by her throat. They stood on the crystal looking down at the destruction Cumber had caused. Hearts must have been controlling the gravity on Mae because she could barely move.

"Jiren will defeat you all," Mae said through her teeth.

"Shut up," Kamin sneered. "Looks like your friends are here. This should be fun."

Vegeta and Trunks appeared. Trunks gasped at the destruction below. "This is universe eleven," Vegeta said.

"Looks like they've already run rampant here," Trunks scowled.

"Seems so. They have Mae here," Vegeta looked up at the crystal. "I can feel her."

"We have to save her," Trunks said. Suddenly the crystal began to glow with a blinding light. "What's happening?"

The two saiyans covered their eyes until the light faded. "What was that light?" Trunks wondered. "Dad?"

Vegeta wasn't moving. He stared down at the ground. Suddenly his body began to tremble as blue armor began to fit over his own. His eyes turned piercing blue and his black hair turned white. He looked over at Trunks and gave a menacing grin.

"Dad!" Trunks yelled. "Damn you! How dare you take his body!" Oren was now in control of Vegeta's body. He sprung forward and punched Trunks, sending him back.

"You bastards," Mae struggled against Hearts' grasp.

Kamin began to laugh. "So the surprise attack worked. Hey Oren, how's that body?"

Oren-Vegeta looked up at Kamin. "It's the best! It's bursting with power!" He let his energy rise causing wind to shoot off him.

"Damn you!" Trunks yelled, powering up to super saiyan. He rushed forward to attack Oren-Vegeta.

Just before Trunks reached him Oren-Vegeta yelled. "Smash Break!" The attack caught Trunks head on sending him crashing into the water below.

Meanwhile Jiren stood against Cumber. "Take this universe eleven!" He formed claws with his ki and sent it at Jiren.

Jiren simply blasted the claws away. He could sense that Mae was nearby, but he had to trust that she could handle herself... no he knew she could. Right now he needed to take care of this threat to his universe.

Cumber flew forward to attack. Jiren sidestepped, avoiding the attack. He brought his leg up and kicked the saiyan back. Cumber unleashed more energy and made his attacks sharper and faster. Jiren blocked the blows and countered. He had a calm look about him as the two exchanged blows.

"Jiren, defeat him," Toppo called to his friend as he struggled to stand.

As Cumber went in for a punch Jiren grabbed his fists. "Seems we are evenly matched," the saiyan growled. "But you can't beat me." He jumped back from the Grey and powered up to super saiyan three.

Jiren stared at Cumber, unimpressed by his transformation. He swiftly kicked Cumber in the ribs. As Cumber fell back he sent ki blasts at Jiren. He brought his hands over his face as the blasts connected. Jiren swiped a hand, cutting through the smoke and took off after Cumber. As he brought his fist up to attack he was suddenly forced to the ground. He looked up and saw Hearts. He had his hand out controlling the gravity above Jiren.

His eyes widened in shock when he saw Hearts was holding Mae by her neck. He struggled to his knees against the immense gravity. He wasn't sure how Mae had even been captured but he wasn't going to let that stand.

"Nice job, Jiren," Hearts smirked.

"You bastard," Mae growled.

"Just be quiet and watch," Hearts said softly, tightening the grip on her throat slightly. "Oren why don't you give him a try."

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